Hope in the Midst of Life ~ Jan. 2016

Holiday times always look so pretty on TV, but while there may be moments of joy, not every part is always warm and fuzzy for most of us. What I know about life is that it is good and joyous and incredible! It is also disappointing, and very hard at times. So how do we keep on?

Let me introduce myself, I am Janet Miller the Employer Outreach Coordinator at Hospice of Northwest Ohio. What that means is that I get to create programs and teach them to whatever group gracious enough to have me! I teach about stress management, with the focus being – how to help caregivers take care of themselves so that they don’t just survive the caregiving, but that they thrive in it. It is my privilege to write to you – persons who are caregivers to wonderful people who often times require a lot of help. I don’t have to tell you that you have stress. But through this newsletter, I would like to give you some ideas that are not only do-able but actually make a difference.

We all know that we should be positive. But what nobody tells us is that there are simple things we can do – so that our brain chemistry improves and then we just ARE more positive. We won’t have to wear fake smiles.

  1. Every day, list (in your head or on paper) three very specific things you are thankful for. (Not… “I am thankful for my husband.” But… “I am thankful for my husband who cleaned up the kitchen last night.). Once you’ve listed a specific thing – there are no repeats. We can also help our children to do this. It’s the fastest way of teaching optimism.
  2. Pick a good memory you have, and review it. This causes our biochemistry to become positive and helps us stay healthy. It also makes the memory stronger in our brain. If we think about something positive or ”happy” before we study something – learning will be much easier.
  3. Exercise. Even if you go for a gentle walk you will feel better. 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a day is the equivalent of taking an anti-depressant. Your brain gets to record a victory and becomes more positive because you did it! Plus your cardiovascular system is healthier! (Shawn Achor)

May you choose to live more intentionally amongst the list of “have-tos” and “shoulds” AND, “on purpose” begin to do these things in your holiday time and throughout the year! You will feel better!

Janet Miller  MA LPCC


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