NHA Holds Amazing Holiday Hoedown

The NHA students celebrated the holidays with family & friends at a Down Home Christmas Holiday Hoedown!
Thank you to all of our cowboys and cowgirls for stomping and dancing their way into our hearts and offering family and friends another reason to believe in Christmas miracles at New Horizons Academy’s 2023 Annual Christmas Musical and Holiday Hoedown on December 12 at Pettisville Missionary Church.
This down home, toe tappin’ country Christmas was made possible by our talented students and dedicated NHA staff and teachers, especially Music Teacher and Director Melissa Valentine.  Without all of her hard work, vision, dedication, and creativity, the show would not have gone on.  She found or created the absolute perfect role for each of our students’ abilities and personalities and corralled and coached over 100 of our special needs preschool to high school youth through the entire holiday hoedown. 
This year, we may not have had a white Christmas; but we sure had a ROCKABILLY  one, complete with cowboys, reindeer, square dancing, and even Elvis himself (Well, actually, double the fun with TWO Elvis impersonators!).  Who would have thought that Christmas spirit was so wrapped up in country Rockabilly style?  NHA, that’s who!
If you missed this special Christmas show, check out all of the photos on New Horizons Academy’s Facebook page HERE or check out our YouTube channel for your own special, encore performance HERE.

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