Ready to Play?
Our handicap accessible playground project is nearly complete! As the saying goes, “Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.” This has been one of the most challenging projects we’ve ever done… it has been everything but easy.
Yet, despite all of the challenges we’ve faced throughout this process, it has been amazing to see it take shape and know that this was going to be something that kids from all over would be able to enjoy and benefit from.
As we near completion, we reflect back on all of the individuals, businesses and foundations who have partnered with us to make this dream a reality. From donating funds to help finance the project… to spending countless hours on “less than ideal” soil conditions working to prepare the surface and erect the equipment… we can not begin to adequately thank everyone involved for their tireless support and dedication to this project. We are truly humbled and blessed by your efforts.
As is the case with everything here at Sara’s Garden, this playground is truly a community project. Thank you for being a part of it.
For complete photo galleries of the playground’s progress please visit our Facebook page.