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Where kids come first


Children come first. New Horizons Academy at Sara’s Garden offers a holistic, all-encompassing educational path for children who have special learning needs and are preschool through grade twelve. Our mission is to provide the highest quality of educational programming available and empower children with disabilities to recognize and optimize their full potential.

New Horizons Academy strives to collaborate with community partners to expand capacity to provide safe and supportive school environments where the academic, nonacademic, health, and social service needs of children and families are met so children are better able to achieve academic success.

New Horizons does not solely focus on any one area of development; rather, each developmental domain (social, emotional, communicative, physical, and cognitive) is developed simultaneously throughout the school day. Great importance is placed on setting high goals and expectations and providing students with the appropriate assistance required for them to achieve their individual goals. Providing an academic curriculum that is challenging is of utmost importance, while simultaneously discovering and exploring the ways our students are best able to access that curriculum.

Differentiated instruction is based on the premise that instructional approaches should vary and be adapted in relation to individual and diverse students in the classroom. The model of differentiated instruction requires teachers to be flexible in their approach to teaching and adjust the curriculum and presentation of information to learners rather than expecting students to modify themselves for the curriculum.

Mainstreaming assumes the children will learn from normal exposure to a stimulating environment. We believe that our students would not be behind if they could learn from normal exposure. In a New Horizons Academy classroom, children receive special, carefully structured teaching in order to learn what they could not learn from exposure to their normal environment. At New Horizons Academy, students can attend a consistent, sequential, highly effective educational program without interruption, change of philosophy, or change of classroom model from early childhood through high school.

Please visit the website at New Horizons Academy to learn more about about this exciting new educational endeavor.