Hard Work Pays Off for William

Hard Work Pays Off for William

William Denver Burton was born not breathing and, as a result, suffered hypoxia – a lack of oxygen to the brain. His family went through two life flights, with many scary times following. After six months, it became obvious to William’s mother Angie that he was not developing as a normal baby should. That was when the typical treatment approach began – physical and occupational therapy one or two times a week.

William began individual Conductive Education sessions around ten months of age. At that time, William presented with severe hypotonia, or extremely low muscle tone. He was unable to nod or shake his head, roll over continuously, ambulate in any way, achieve a sitting position, or participate in the process of standing up. William had little to no social skills, could not or would not pick up food and bring it to his mouth, did not vocalize, and had chewing problems.

Around approximately 12 months old, William began attending a more intensive group CE program. With the help of his parents and caregiver, William began to learn the crucial skills required to meet the milestones of rolling over, sitting up, and moving around more independently.

William has continued in the group CE program over the past two years and has achieved so much, including sitting up from lying; maintaining a hands-and-knees kneeling position; standing up from a seated position with his walker; and walking just about everywhere independently with the use of his walker.

The achievements are not just limited to physical skills however. He no longer has chewing problems and picks up and brings food to his mouth willingly. After eating, William opens the container of baby wipes independently, pulls one out, closes the container, and cleans his face independently.

His verbalizations are becoming more clear, and his vocabulary has expanded to approximately 25 easily understandable words and names of friends, teachers, and caregivers. His mother is amazed at how dramatically his verbalization has increased since beginning Conductive Education.

William is now incredibly social. He enjoys interacting with peers, he waves and smiles appropriately, and enjoys a good joke.

Currently William is learning to walk with tripod canes. It began slowly, as every individual part of the process must be learned. When William first began using the canes, he needed physical help to keep his balance to stand with the canes, move a cane forward, and take a step. After a few months, William now requires only verbal help to remind him what he needs to do. He can stand safely for several minutes on his own with the canes and he can move the canes forward on his own.

At three and a half years old, William is now able to attend preschool full-time. “The results are just phenomenal,” William’s mother has commented, “It’s just amazing how independent he has become since he’s started Conductive Education. William is such a hard worker. We are very proud of all of the accomplishments he has made.”

Thanks to Conductive Education at Sara’s Garden, Will has a much brighter future. No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope… and Conductive Education can help you find it.