2012 Sara’s Garden Poker Run Photos

2012 Sara’s Garden Poker Run Photos

Saturday, June 23rd was the 9th Annual Sara’s Garden Poker Run. We had such an amazing day for the ride. We would like to thank all of the volunteers, participants and sponsors that helped make this event possible.

Vounteers: As always, we are humbled by your willing participation and involvement. Thank you so much for braving the heat to check-in and check-out riders, work the stops, take photographs, and prepare the amazing meal.

Participants: Thank you again for taking time out of your day to spend it with us on this ride. We love seeing you each year and appreciate your continued support of Sara’s Garden. We hope you all enjoyed the ride and the food and look forward to hanging out with you again next summer.

Sponsors: Thank you so much for your donations to this event. Because of your support we were able to provide the winners with great prizes again this year. We are so grateful for your support and are so proud to be a part of such a caring community.

Below are photos from the event. Click on a thumbnail to see a larger version. 

We look forward to seeing you all again next year at the 10th Annual Sara’s Garden Poker Run!

2012 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble

2012 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble

Sara’s Garden would like to invite you to participate its inaugural “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble. We have put together a fun-filled day at Ironwood Golf Course in Wauseon, Ohio and hope to see you there!

Event Date:Friday, September 14, 2012
Event Location:Ironwood Golf Course, Wauseon, Ohio
Event Format:4-Player Team Scramble
Event Cost:$60 per Player
Dinner Only (Opt.):$20 per Person
Registration Deadline:August 15, 2012

If you would like to download a brochure or flyer for this year’s event to print, post and promote click on one of the links below:

  • “Drive Fore Hope” Tri-Fold Brochure – DOWNLOAD
  • “Drive Fore Hope” Promotional Flyer – DOWNLOAD

All proceeds from this event will benefit Sara’s Garden to provide Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Conductive Education services. Though we have set a fee of only $110 per hour for HBOT treatments and $25 per hour for CE classes many individuals with disabilities and injuries are not receiving services because the cost is not manageable for their families. Your participation will help to fund Sara’s Garden’s financial aid scholarship program which helps families to be able to afford to receive the healing treatments their loved ones so desperately need. Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States (and only one of two in North America) to offer both of these services.

Registration Includes:Schedule of Events:
 • Scramble format (4-player teams) 11:00 a.m.• Registration
 • Green and cart fees  • Range Open
 • Range balls  • Silent Auction Opens
 • Lunch & beverage items 12:00 p.m.• Shotgun Scramble
 • Goodie bag 1:30 p.m.• Lunch at the Turn
 • Awards for top teams 5:00 p.m.• Dinner Buffet
 • Dinner buffet  • Awards
 • Silent Auction  • Silent Auction Closes
Sponsorship Opportunities:

Platinum Title Sponsor – $4,800

  • Includes two foursomes, event promotion, platinum title sponsor signage, company promotion table, dinner presentation speech and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 40 hours of HBOT treatments or 192 hours of CE services.

Gold Event Sponsor – $1,200

  • Includes one foursomes, gold event sponsor activity signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 10 hours of HBOT treatments or 48 hours of CE services.

Silver Contest Sponsor – $720

  • Includes silver contest sponsor signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 6 hours of HBOT treatments or 28 hours of CE services.

Bronze Meal Sponsor – $360

  • Includes bronze meal sponsor signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 3 hours of HBOT treatments or 14 hours of CE services.

O2 Tee Sponsor – $110

  • Includes O2 tee sponsor signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 1 hour of HBOT treatments or 4 hours of CE services.

For additional information regarding corporate sponsorship or team registration for the Sara’s Garden “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble please call 419.335.SARA.

Please join us for a great day of golf filled with fun, great food, auction items, skill contests and fabulous prizes. Take a day off work for a great cause and meet some of the amazing people you are golfing to help!

2012 Sara’s Garden Poker Run

2012 Sara’s Garden Poker Run

The 9th Annual Poker Run to benefit Sara’s Garden is right around the corner!

Event Date:Saturday, June 23, 2012
Sign In:10:30 a.m. – Noon.  Ride begins at Noon.
Event Location:The Hope Center at Sara’s Garden
Rider Cost:$20 per Rider
Passenger Cost:$15 per Passenger (Optional)

PLEASE NOTE: One change for this year is that we plan on beginning AND ending the ride at The Hope Center at Sara’s Garden in Wauseon.

Just like last year, we plan on having a photographer out on the course taking action shots of each one of the bikes as they pass by. We hope to provide everyone with a free high resolution action shot of themselves out on the poker run… so slow down and be sure to strike a pose!

If you would like to download a brochure or flyer for this year’s event to print, post and promote click on one of the links below:

  • Poker Run Tri-Fold Brochure – DOWNLOAD
  • Poker Run Promotional Flyer – DOWNLOAD

All proceeds from this event will benefit Sara’s Garden to provide Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Conductive Education services. Though we have set a fee of only $110 per hour for HBOT treatments and $25 per hour for CE classes many individuals with disabilities and injuries are not receiving services because the cost is not manageable for their families. Your participation will help to fund Sara’s Garden’s financial aid scholarship program which helps families to be able to afford to receive the healing treatments their loved ones so desperately need. Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States (and only one of two in North America) to offer both of these services.

Registration Includes:Schedule of Events:
 • Poker Run entry 10:30 a.m.• Registration
 • Coffee & doughnuts  • Detailing Station Opens
 • Water for the road  • Kid Ride-a-Longs
 • High res action photograph 12:00 p.m.• First Bikes Out
 • Lunch buffet  • Photo Shoot
 • Prizes for top hands 3:00 p.m.• Lunch Buffet
 • Silent auction  • Awards
 • $20-rider, $15-passenger (Optional)  • Silent Auction Closes
Sponsorship Opportunities:

Platinum Title Sponsor – $4,800

  • Includes eight rider or passenger entries, event promotion, platinum title sponsor signage, company promotion table, lunch presentation speech and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 40 hours of HBOT treatments or 192 hours of CE services.

Gold Event Sponsor – $1,200

  • Includes four rider or passenger entries, gold event sponsor activity signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 10 hours of HBOT treatments or 48 hours of CE services.

Silver Contest Sponsor – $720

  • Includes silver contest sponsor signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 6 hours of HBOT treatments or 28 hours of CE services.

Bronze Meal Sponsor – $360

  • Includes bronze meal sponsor signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 3 hours of HBOT treatments or 14 hours of CE services.

O2 Tee Sponsor – $110

  • Includes O2 stop sponsor signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 1 hour of HBOT treatments or 4 hours of CE services.

For additional information regarding corporate sponsorship or participation in the Sara’s Garden Poker Run please call 419.335.SARA.

Please join us a great day of riding filled with fun, great food, auction items and fabulous prizes. Come spend the day on the open road for a great cause and meet some of the amazing people you are riding to help!