Support Wayne Bishop

Support Wayne Bishop

My name is Wayne Bishop and I’m from Findlay, Ohio. As many of you know, I started my own business when I was 30 years old and enjoyed mentoring young people during my 52 years in business. It’s something that I’m very proud of.

When I was 75 years old, I had 3 heart bypass surgeries and when I was 80 years old, I suffered a stroke. With these mounting medical issues, I needed to slow down so I retired when I was 80. Doctors said that because of my age there was really nothing they could do for me except prescribe medications for me to help deal with the negative effects from my stroke and heart surgeries. I was told that I was just getting old.

I didn’t want to simply accept a future of increased medications so I began researching alternative solutions. I received chelation and hyperbaric treatments from a doctor in Bluffton, Ohio until he retired and went out of business. I felt that these treatments had helped me and I didn’t want to stop so I went on the internet to find additional providers.

In many cases, HBOT has improved the client’s fine and gross motor skills, thinking (cognition) and physical healing. From my research, I’ve recently learned that there is a non-profit facility right here in Northwest Ohio that I can go to called Sara’s Garden. I am very happy to have discovered Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) at Sara’s Garden and am excited to continue receiving HBOT treatments here.

Unfortunately, in the United States insurance companies do not recognize HBOT as being therapeutic for the treatment of stroke and traumatic brain injuries and therefore will not cover the cost for treatments. That is why I could really use your help. HBOT for stroke recovery is only $100 per treatment at Sara’s Garden. However, since my plan is to receive at least 40 HBOT treatments that cost adds up quickly.

If you could assist me with the cost (or even just part of the cost) of a single $100 HBOT treatment it would help reduce my overall expenses greatly. 100% of the funds received go into an account in my name and will be used for my treatments. Any contribution made would be considered a tax-deductible donation as Sara’s Garden is a 501(c)(3) non-profit facility. Checks can be made out to Sara’s Garden with my name on a sheet of paper accompanying the check. Please do NOT write my name directly on the check. You can also donate online via credit card by clicking on the DONATE NOW button below.

I am a fighter. I will never stop trying to get better.

Thank you so much for considering to support my treatments at Sara’s Garden!

Wayne Bishop

Sara’s Garden is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your charitable contribution is tax deductible under 501(c)(3) of the IRS code, to the extent allowed by law. A receipt will be sent to you after your pledge has been received to use for tax purposes.

Support Allison Bucko

Support Allison Bucko

Have you ever had a bad migraine or tension headache? A debilitating one where your head is just pounding and pressure is coming from all sides? One so bad that it makes you feel nauseous and you need to avoid lights, sounds and smells? Luckily that doesn’t happen every day, right?

Unfortunately, for me, this does happen every day. It’s there every morning when I wake up. It’s not a question of ‘Will I get a migraine or headache today?’. No. My morning question is ‘How bad is it going to get today?’. In order to minimize triggers, I try to avoid any social situation that I cannot control that might make my daily migraine or headache reach a level that leaves me unable to function for the remainder of the day.

Much like my grandma before me, I’ve tried just about every treatment you can imagine… most of the medications available on the market (some of them, twice), chiropractic care, acupressure, acupuncture, massage, nerve blocks, daith piercing, Botox, diet changes, essential oils, LASIK, sleep studies, different pillows, special jewelry, meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, heat, ice and TMJ testing. The list is extensive and yet, may not be all inclusive. I’ve tried everything my doctors have suggested. So far, nothing has worked. If anyone offers a solution that I haven’t tried, I research it to see if it might help me and provide much needed relief from the pain I experience on a daily basis.

I have recently discovered Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) which is a holistic, alternative therapy. I believe this treatment could be crucial for my healing. HBOT uses a chamber to deliver more oxygen to the cells in the body. This allows for more nerve and blood vessel pathways to form, which may help improve my quality of life. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been successful in treating people who suffer from migraines and headaches. It reduces the amount of pain that people experience and many times, allows them to reduce or eliminate their medications. I’ve learned that there is a facility right here in Northwest Ohio that I can go to called Sara’s Garden. However, in the United States, insurance companies do not recognize HBOT as being therapeutic for the treatment of migraines or headaches and will therefore not cover the cost of the treatments.

That is why I could really use your help. I would love to go to Sara’s Garden in Wauseon, Ohio for HBOT treatments. HBOT for migraines is only $100 per treatment at Sara’s Garden (as opposed to $1,500-2,500 per treatment at a hospital). However, since my plan would be to receive a round of at least 40 HBOT treatments that cost adds up quickly.

If you could assist me with the cost (or even just part of the cost) of a single $100 treatment it would help reduce my overall expenses greatly. 100% of the funds received will go into an account in my name and will be used for my treatments. Any contribution made would be considered a tax-deductible donation as Sara’s Garden is a 501(c)(3) non-profit facility. Checks can be made out to Sara’s Garden with my name on a sheet of paper accompanying the check. Please do NOT write my name directly on the check. You can also donate online via credit card by clicking on the DONATE NOW button below.

Thank you so much for considering the support of my treatments at Sara’s Garden!

Allison Bucko

Sara’s Garden is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your charitable contribution is tax deductible under 501(c)(3) of the IRS code, to the extent allowed by law. A receipt will be sent to you after your pledge has been received to use for tax purposes.

Support Kennedy Johnson

Support Kennedy Johnson

As most of you know, on Feb 17, 2019, our lives changed forever. My daughter, Kennedy, was visiting with her father from out of town. She started complaining of a terrible headache. As time went on, she began vomiting and then became unresponsive. Getting the call from her father was the most horrific call a parent could ever get. Kennedy was unresponsive and barely breathing. We immediately rushed her to the hospital where she had to be intubated before she was life-flighted to another hospital.

My heart was not prepared for what I heard next. Kennedy’s CT scan showed a 3.6 by 3.5 cm mass in her brain. On Feb 20th, 2019, surgery was performed to biopsy and remove the tumor that was pushing on very crucial areas of her brain. She was extubated Feb 23 and discharged home after 2 and a half weeks in the hospital.

Kennedy’s brain tumor was diagnosed as a Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma (JPA). A JPA is a cystic (fluid-filled) tumor, not a solid mass. On the WHO’s grading scale, a JPA is a Grade I tumor, highly unlikely to grow or to spread to other areas. Unfortunately, Kennedy still suffers from side effects of the tumor. She experiences Cranial Nerve IV palsy in her right eye. This causes her to have intermittent double vision due to both eyes not working together due to weak muscles and soft damage to the nerve. She also deals with convergence insufficiency that interrupts visual reading strength, some swallowing difficulties, right-side weakness, mild personality and cognitive changes, as well as emotional trauma.

Kennedy has recently been discharged from OT, PT and speech therapies. She still receives emotional support through our church (Emmanuel Baptist Church), The Victory Center, and Cancer Connection. She does various alternative therapies such as massage, art, and yoga at the Victory Center as well. She also receives various herbal therapies and gets routine MRI’s every 6 months.

We are so thankful for all of the doctors, nurses, caregivers, family and friends that have helped us through such a difficult time. We know that Kennedy has a long, difficult journey ahead of her so we continue to search for every possible treatment option available in order to give her the greatest opportunity for a bright and independent future.

We have recently discovered Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and learned that it has been extremely successful in treating people who suffer from tumors, nerve damage traumatic brain injury. In many cases it has improved the client’s fine and gross motor skills, speech, thinking (cognition), memory, physical healing, etc. I’ve learned that there is a facility right here in Northwest Ohio that we can go to called Sara’s Garden.

Unfortunately, in the United States insurance companies do not recognize HBOT as being therapeutic for the treatment of these conditions and therefore will not cover the cost for treatments. That is why we could really use your help. HBOT for Kennedy is only $100 per treatment at Sara’s Garden. However, since our plan is for her to receive at least 40 HBOT treatments that cost adds up quickly.

If you could assist us with the cost (or even just part of the cost) of a single $100 HBOT treatment it would help reduce our overall expenses greatly. 100% of the funds received go into an account in Kennedy’s name and will be used for her treatments. Any contribution made would be considered a tax-deductible donation as Sara’s Garden is a 501(c)(3) non-profit facility. Checks can be made out to Sara’s Garden with Kennedy’s name on a sheet of paper accompanying the check. Please do NOT write her name directly on the check. You can also donate online via credit card by clicking on the “DONATE NOW” button below.

Thank you so much for considering to support Kennedy’s treatments at Sara’s Garden!

Nicole Hall

Sara’s Garden is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your charitable contribution is tax deductible under 501(c)(3) of the IRS code, to the extent allowed by law. A receipt will be sent to you after your pledge has been received to use for tax purposes.