Sara’s Garden is a non-profit organization that specializes in Autism Intervention, Conductive Education, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration and Speech-Language Pathology services. These specialized, comprehensive client services, provide life-changing results.
Staying connected is important to to us. There is always so much going on here at Sara’s Garden, New Horizons Academy and Special Grounds Coffee! Social Media is a great tool that we use to help keep you informed. We also share encouraging success stories each month in our quarterly newsletter.
Plus… it’s completely interactive! We encourage you to leave comments, which we read and respond to. We would also love to see you share the info we post with YOUR social media friends and family! Like, share and tag away! It not only helps you keep connected to us, but it helps to expand the visibility and reach of Sara’s Garden.
We would love to stay in touch with you throughout the week. It’s as easy as “liking” us on Facebook and “following” us on Instagram and Twitter.
When a child with special needs is given the opportunity to fulfill their full potential, families and communities are also changed forever.
Watch videos and read quotes from clients, parents, spouses and care givers that have been impacted by the life-changing services at Sara’s Garden.
We have been so blessed to be a part of such amazing stories of healing and recovery. You can learn more about some of these miracles here.