What Happens When Meds Don’t Work?

What Happens When Meds Don’t Work?

As a young adult, Jolie enjoyed a busy and active lifestyle. She was working full-time and attending school part-time to be a medical secretary. She and her husband had just purchased their first home and spent all their extra time cleaning and renovating the house, mowing the lawn, planting flowers and having friends and family over for gatherings. She also enjoyed cooking, baking and going on long nature walks. That all changed when she was 24 years old, and her world was turned upside down.

Jolie would suddenly become too dizzy to walk without holding on to something to stabilize her. She lost all her stamina and struggled to walk more than 10 minutes without getting fatigued. She reached a point where she could no longer garden or do yard work. Simple tasks, such as shopping for groceries, would drain her energy for an entire day. Even driving a car for more than a few minutes would completely exhaust her. As her condition continued to deteriorate, Jolie and her husband were forced to sell their home when it became too unsafe for her to navigate stairs without falling.

Jolie was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), an incurable, autoimmune disease that impacts the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. “Sclerosis” refers to scarring of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. In the case of MS, the immune system, our body’s defense mechanism, mistakenly targets myelin cells, the protective coverings of the brain and spinal cord nerves. This damage to the myelin sheath disrupts the transmission of messages or signals that nerves send across the body, affecting crucial functions such as vision, sensation, and movement.

MS usually strikes young adults like Jolie. Over time, it can render a person unable to write, speak and walk. According to a 2019 study funded by the National MS Society, around 1 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. That number is more than twice what was found in previous studies. Unfortunately, scientists still don’t know the root cause of this disease. However, over the past two decades, extensive international medical research has demonstrated that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can play an extremely important role in the treatment of MS. In many European countries, HBOT is now considered an integral part of the MS treatment program, and doctors are recommending it as part of their patients’ care plans.

Unfortunately, the American medical community has been slow to accept HBOT as an alternative therapy for Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Treatment regimens continue to focus on the use of medications and corticosteroids to reduce nerve inflammation, limit the frequency and severity of clinical attacks, slow disability progression and reduce brain and spinal cord lesions. As with any drug therapy, those that are used to treat MS come with a range of potential side effects, ranging from mild irritation at an injection site to potentially serious complications, like liver damage or severe infections.

However, there is scientific evidence to suggest that oxygen treatment does have beneficial effects for MS sufferers. Many MS people report improvements in their overall symptoms and their functional ability. Patients have reported improvements with their ataxia, numbness in their fingers and hands, balance, visual fields, concentration, pain, weakness, and dizziness. Ideally, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy treatments should be initiated as soon as the condition is diagnosed, and before irreversible lesions have become established. This does not mean that patients whose diagnosis was determined more than five years ago will not benefit.

Oxygen is essential to all body tissues, particularly injured ones that require oxygen to heal. Extra oxygenation through HBOT is proven to accelerate the healing process and reduce inflammation. Inflammation in the central nervous system is a signature characteristic of MS, which is one of the reasons why HBOT can slow the progression of the illness. HBOT is also known to boost energy, promote faster recovery from fatigue, reduce pain, and improve concentration and mental clarity, thus alleviating many of the symptoms of MS.

Jolie’s MS treatment journey began like most others in the U.S. with medications. She was placed on numerous drugs for her fatigue and dizziness. None of which worked. She went to physical therapy, but they simply focused on helping her learn how to economize her movements and work at a slow, steady pace. The goal here was only to help manage household tasks and take care of her family. Returning to work and school was impossible.

Jolie learned about HBOT at Sara’s Garden by sheer coincidence. Her daughter had just been diagnosed with Autism and she was looking for a school that specialized in this condition where she could learn, cope, grow and thrive. While touring the school, staff noticed that she was struggling to walk and asked if she was ok. After hearing about her condition, staff informed her about the success Sara’s Garden had in treating individuals who suffer from MS through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. She scheduled a tour of the hyperbaric center the very next day. Feeling she needed to do whatever she could to take care of her health and her family, she decided to give it a try. To this day, Jolie claims it was the best decision she has ever made.

By the end of the second week of treatments, Jolie began noticing significant improvements in her symptoms. Her dizziness had faded away and her energy levels had increased. Driving was no longer exhausting, and she was able to start taking walks again. Jolie was able to start playing with her children again and even started taking college classes again to complete her degree. Her family said that it was like having the old Jolie back again.

Jolie has said, “The beautiful thing about Sara’s Garden isn’t that it’s faith-based, though that helps, nor that it is a medical treatment that doesn’t pump you full of chemicals. The most beautiful thing – the greatest thing – about Sara’s Garden is that it is a community of people who have hope in miracles, who care about not just you, but anyone who is suffering and needs the kind of help they can give. It is a place where people can connect, uplift, encourage and relate to one another. It’s a place where the greatest treatment isn’t the oxygen therapy – it’s the encouragement, hope and comradery that you find with the staff and other clients.”

Ever since Jolie’s first visit, she has said the same thing repeatedly, with all her heart to anyone who will listen, “Hope grows at Sara’s Garden!” Thanks to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at Sara’s Garden, Jolie has her life back. No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope… for this and many other conditions. HBOT is treatment without drugs… without surgery… without pain.

Grounding our HOPE with GRATITUDE

Grounding our HOPE with GRATITUDE

On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, Sara’s Garden hosted its second Grounding our HOPE with GRATITUDE event. This event was created to share our sincere gratitude for all the support in helping those we serve reach their fullest potential and this year we also celebrated and reflected on 20 years of HOPE, HELP and HEALING. We had over 50 people in attendance and the room was filled with love, laughter and tears.

Those who attended were blessed to hear personal testimonies from past and present Hyperbaric clients, a parent of one of our students and a staff member whose child has been a part of Hyperbaric treatments and Conductive Education therapies. At the end of the event, our NHA Career Center students performed a small piece from their upcoming Christmas program.

We are very blessed to have such a giving and supportive community.

Special thanks to the Hyperbaric clients, NHA students, staff, family, friends, community members & advocates that made this event so special. We also want to thank CIG Financial for the Special Grounds CIG Bull + Bear coffee gifts that each person received.

2025 Handcrafted Hope Sale

2025 Handcrafted Hope Sale

Mark your calendars for our 2nd NHA Handcrafted Hope Sale! Our New Horizons Academy junior and senior high students have been working hard on items made from the burlap coffee bean sacks from Special Grounds Coffee, along with other creative items that they are planning on selling to support this Handcrafted Hope Program.

With March being Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, we wanted an additional opportunity for our students to display their creative sides through our Handcrafted Hope Program and help them reach their fullest potential .

Event Date:Thursday, March 27, 2025
Event Time:9:00 am – 11:30 am
Event Location:Special Grounds Coffee, Wauseon, OH
Event has ended

All proceeds from this event go back into the Handcrafted Hope program for the purchase of equipment and materials. Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States to offer Autism Intervention, Conductive Education, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration and Speech-Language Pathology services.

What is an Autism Education Plan (AEP)?

What is an Autism Education Plan (AEP)?

What Is an Autism Education Plan (AEP) & How Can It Help My Child Access the Ohio Autism Scholarship?

In the past, all students needed an individual education plan (IEP) to qualify for an Autism Scholarship in Ohio; but for many autistic students, when the public school evaluated them, the school did not feel that the students’ disability was getting in the way of their academic progress and would not give them an IEP…even though the students already had medical or psychological autism diagnoses.

To address these students behavioral, emotional, sensory, vocational, executive functioning, and therapeutic issues, the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) developed an Autism Education Plan (AEP), so parents had another way to support their students’ needs.

An AEP is a document that outlines services for a child with autism. It’s used in the Ohio Autism Scholarship Program (ASP) to help families choose private or alternative public service providers. Because AEP’s are so new, many parents and even schools are unfamiliar with them.

If you are looking for additional assistance, through a nonpublic school or private provider, for your autistic child and your home school district does not think your child qualified for an IEP, please consider and ask about an AEP. The qualifying pathway is to the right or you can access it at:


Again, since the AEP is so new, many schools are unfamiliar with it, what it includes, and how to write it. For the Autism Scholarship, the home school district needs to complete the AEP, so it can be submitted to the Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) for approval before the scholarship can be approved, finalized, and available for student services.

For families and public schools that need assistance or more information on the AEP. Sample AEP forms are below and may be used as a template. Just remember that the goals and objectives should target non-academic needs and activities such as: behavioral, emotional, sensory, vocational, executive functioning, or therapeutic concerns.

Download AEP Planning Form & Plan (Must be printed on school letterhead)

Student does not have an active lEP including students home educated)

School District understands IDEA requirements provided by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, as amended by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA) at 20 U.S.C. 1400, and related federal regulations at 34 C.F.R. Part 300 (October 13, 2006) and affirms that the school district has satisfied its obligations under IDEA to a student presenting a private diagnosis of autism.

After district affirms it has satisfied requirements under IDEA:

  • If the district determines there is an adverse educational impact due to autism, the district develops an IEP in accordance with IDEA that details appropriate educational and related services
  • The IEP and ETR are submitted to the Autism Scholarship System by the district
  • The provider submits the application and supporting documents
  • If the district determines there is no disability and no IEP is developed, the district develops an AEP
  • AEP includes one or more services listed on the DEW checklist and any other information the district, at its discretion, wishes to provide
  • AEP is submitted to the Autism Scholarship System by the district
  • The provider submits the application and supporting documents

Twas One CRAZY Night Before Christmas

Twas One CRAZY Night Before Christmas

NHA Certainly Had One Crazy Night Before Christmas for Its Annual Christmas Musical!

Thank you to our wild, crazy, and (at times) mixed up and musical New Horizons Academy (NHA) students and cast members, who delivered wonderful and wacky Christmas performances on December 17 at Pettisville Missionary Church.

This year, NHA Music Teacher Melissa Valentine put together a show we will never forget! What other Christmas musical would include the Ghostbusters and Who Let the Dogs Out?, alongside a living nativity and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? Why Twas One Crazy Night Before Christmas, of course! According to composers John Jacobson and Mac Huff, “Take a light-hearted look at Christmas in the typical American household. ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a…wait a minute!?! What’s going on here – Mom’s running pass plays in the kitchen, Sis is doing her best Martha Stewart imitation, Dad and the Uncles are taking root in front of the TV, and the kids are hmmmm??”

Well, over 100 of our special needs kids sang, danced, played, drummed, and joked to:

  • Christmas Time is Comin’,
  • Sleepin’ on the Floor at Christmas,
  • The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round All Christmas Eve,
  • 2024 NHA Starting Line-Up,
  • Who Let the Dogs Out?,
  • Who You Gonna Call? GHOSTBUSTERS!,
  • Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,
  • Will the Real Santa Claus Please Stand Up?,
  • Slippers Again for Christmas,
  • Something to Believe In,
  • Silent Night,
  • Saxophone Solo by David Rose &
  • Guitar Duet by Jack Syverson and Teacher Claire Graber.

If you missed this wild and wacky Christmas show, check out all of the Christmas photos, taken by Hannah Downing of HND Photography, on NHA’s Facebook page or head over to our YouTube channel for your own special, encore performance!

NHA Vocational Skills & Work Study Expansion

NHA Vocational Skills & Work Study Expansion

New Horizons Academy (NHA) is so excited to announce its Vocational Skills & Work Study Expansion at its Springfield Campus in Holland! With the completion of the Skills Lab renovation, SO MANY vocational opportunities have opened up for our special needs students.

Springfield Skills Lab & Coffee Cart
After over a year and a half of fundraising, renovations, and inspections, NHA has officially unveiled its new Skills Lab for students’ daily living skills practice and work study use. Thanks to the Roach Foundation and other funders, the Skills Lab includes one room with a full coffee-making station to support our Coffee Cart and Blessings in a Box Program and another room with a washer and dryer to practice daily living and laundry skills.

Blessings in a Box
In addition to the Coffee Cart, the Skills Lab is also supporting our Blessings in a Box Program in the Springfield Township and Greater Toledo Area. The Blessings in a Box Program was created to give our students the opportunity to go out into the community, and bless local businesses and organizations with coffee that is brewed and delivered by our students. Blessings in a Box helps our students to develop stronger communication, customer service, and vocational skills while also getting to know their community better and providing great coffee.

Blessings in a Box kicked off in late September with trips to Proclaim FM and Springfield Fire Station #51 and followed up with deliveries to Anne Grady Services in December and The Epilepsy Center of Northwest Ohio in mid-January. Our goal is to continue to brew and deliver coffee to local businesses in the Holland/Toledo area each Monday throughout the school year.

Special Grounds Coffee Truck & Mobile Skills Lab
Thanks to the Zeisloft Family Trust, the Special Grounds Coffee Truck is now on the road every week to Springfield! The coffee truck is a real–life mobile skills lab for our special needs students. It allows our students to practice their food service, brewing, communication, customer service, financial management, and other work skills in a community setting. Stop out, and have our students (along with their job coaches and staff) serve you Special Grounds coffees and sweet treats! For a complete weekly coffee truck schedule, check out our Special Grounds Coffee Facebook Page at: https://www.facebook.com/SpecialGroundsCoffeeCo/

NHA Now Accepting Applications for 2025-26

NHA Now Accepting Applications for 2025-26

All three New Horizons Academy (NHA) locations are STILL accepting new students for this spring semester and are now starting to accept applications for the 2025-26 school year! NHA is so pleased to announce that it is accepting new students for its regional special education PK-12 school campus at 220 Lawrence Ave. in Wauseon, its Greater Toledo Area Campus at 6201 Trust Dr. in Holland—just off of Airport Highway, and its Career Center and Special Grounds Coffee Shop at 854 S. Shoop Ave. in Wauseon. For more information or to begin the application process, complete the online interest form at https://newhorizonsacademy.org/family-resources/apply/

If you are looking for the right special education placement for your preschool to high school student, a place where your child feels like he or she fits in, consider NHA or its Career Center in Wauseon or its Holland or Springfield Township Campus. At NHA, kids come first. We exist for our students; our students do not exist for the school. Students don’t have to fit into the classes. The classes and programs are designed to meet the student’s individual needs. Please complete the interest form (https://newhorizonsacademy.org/family-resources/apply/) to set up a tour, and find out if we are the right fit for your special needs student.

NHA’s Wauseon & Springfield Township Campuses:

  • Are regional preschool to 12th grade special education schools
  • Serving students from 25 different school districts across 9 Northwest Ohio counties
  • Have a 1:2.5—average staff to student ratio
  • Specialize in individualized, personalized education
  • Provide strong academics, community involvement, life skills classes, and vocational training
  • Offer early intervention, (EI) conductive education (CE), sensory integration, occupational therapy (OT) & speech/language pathology (SLP)
  • Participate in the College Credit Plus (CCP) Program
  • Are Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Schools
  • Accept both the Autism & Jon Peterson Scholarships as payment in full.

NHA’s Career Center & Special Grounds Coffee Shop:

  • Prides itself on small classroom sizes (4-7 students)
  • Works with young adults up to age 21
  • Targets functional academics, vocational skills training, and work study placements
  • Provides on-site work study placements through its Special Grounds Coffee Shop including kitchen and food prep, counter and customer service work, and maintenance and cleaning
  • Helps transition high school students and special needs young adults into community work study programs with job coaching and transportation provided

Our mission is to help your child achieve the greatest independence possible through early intervention programs, classes, community activities, life skills training, vocational placements, and job coaching.

Steps to Enrollment:

  1. Complete the online interest form: https://newhorizonsacademy.org/family-resources/apply/
  2. Submit a copy of your child’s IEP & ETR for review.
  3. Schedule a school tour, interview, and student assessment.
  4. If accepted, complete student enrollment paperwork, and provide proof of residency.
  5. Complete and accept the Autism or Jon Peterson Scholarship.

For more information on New Horizons Academy or to schedule a tour, complete the online interest form (https://newhorizonsacademy.org/family-resources/apply/), and our admissions team will get right back with you. Classes begin in August, so begin the enrollment process today!

2024-25 NHA Yearbook Sponsorship

2024-25 NHA Yearbook Sponsorship

We are so thankful to our sponsors for making our yearbook projects possible.

Each year, our goal is to provide our students and their parents with this very special memento. We hope to raise funds through sponsors in order to keep the costs of the yearbooks as low as possible, so that more students and their families will be able to afford one.

We invite you to consider being a sponsor of this very special project!

We also gladly accept general donations for those not interested in being recognized as sponsors.

COST: $150.00

This level of sponsorship includes a 3.75″ x 4.25″ (approx.) color advertisement in the yearbook, recognition on our website and recognition on social media with a link to your business’ social media page or website.

COST: $90.00

This level of sponsorship includes a business card sized color advertisement in the yearbook and recognition on our website.

COST: $30.00

This level of sponsorship includes your business or name listed in the yearbook and website.

  • Advertisements are requested to be received by April 30, 2025.
  • Ads can be emailed in .jpg/.jpeg format to [email protected].
  • Ads may be dropped off at Sara’s Garden or New Horizons Academy.

Sara’s Garden is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We’ll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation.