But You Look Fine

But You Look Fine

When you are suffering from debilitating symptoms, there is nothing more frustrating than receiving inconclusive test results and no answers as to what is going on with your body, all while being told “…but you look fine”. Individuals living with Lyme disease know this all too well.

In August 2018, Greg was on a motorcycle trip in British Columbia when he started feeling sick. To be safe, he decided to return home to Connecticut, where strange things started happening. Blisters would appear at various places on his body. He was becoming more and more fatigued and would frequently wake up drenched in sweat. Sometimes, he had to change his clothing twice in one night.

Based on his symptoms, Greg was tested for Lyme disease, but tests came back negative. His doctor continued testing him for many other conditions, but all those tests came back negative as well. Unfortunately, Lyme disease is difficult to diagnose and can be even tougher to treat. Testing for Lyme disease can be very challenging. In fact, many patients receive several false negatives and suffer for years before being correctly diagnosed. Thankfully Greg did not have to wait that long as he decided to see a new doctor who had extensive knowledge and experience with Lyme disease.

The doctor listened to Greg’s story and stated, “I have one of three possibilities… Lyme, Lyme or Lyme.” Because only a recent infection shows up on the rudimentary tests that Greg had already received, the doctor ordered more extensive tests for Lyme, and they indicated that he had been infected for some time.

Lyme disease gets its name from the small coastal town of Lyme, Connecticut. In 1975, a woman brought an unusual number of pediatric arthritis cases to the attention of researchers at Yale University. In 1977, the researchers identified and named the clusters “Lyme arthritis.” By 1979, the name was changed to Lyme disease, when additional symptoms such as neurological problems and severe fatigue were linked to the disease.

Eventually, scientists discovered that the disease was caused by a spirochete transmitted by the bite of an Ixodes tick and determined that short course of antibiotics would resolve the issue. Unfortunately, the divide between what the medical community says about Lyme disease and what the chronically ill patients who suffer from it say they are experiencing has remained a wide chasm for decades.

The highest incidences of Lyme disease in the United States are typically reported in the Northeast and Midwest. However, more recent research indicates Lyme disease-carrying ticks are present in all 50 states and approximately half of all U.S. counties, making it the fastest-growing vector-borne disease in the country. The 30,000 cases reported annually to the CDC by state health departments represent only a fraction of the cases diagnosed and treated around the country.

Greg started antibiotics in September 2018. At first, he felt better, but he soon regressed and became increasingly worse. It turns out he had a “co-infection” of Lyme called Babesiosis, caused by microscopic parasites that infect red blood cells. It went undetected because Greg had only been tested for the common strain of Lyme found near his home in Connecticut. He began taking Atovaquone, the same drug prescribed for Malaria. A year later, he began having severe mental problems and tested positive for another co-infection, Bartonella, requiring yet another medication.

For three years, Greg was off and on antibiotics, yet many of his symptoms remained; fatigue, joint pain, neuropathy, and mental issues such as cognitive disfunction, anxiety and depression. With no relief in sight, he began seeking alternative treatments in hopes of feeling better. He went to Germany for whole body hyperthermia treatments, tried a “Lyme diet” and did frequent infrared saunas. All had helped to some extent, but his bad days were still really bad, and he wanted more relief.

Greg had heard about hyperbaric oxygen therapy being used to treat Lyme disease at Yale University back home in Connecticut but had never considered trying it himself. He stumbled upon Sara’s Garden by sheer coincidence… or divine intervention. He had traveled to Northwest Ohio to attend the Wauseon National antique motorcycle event and struck up a conversation with our staff at a tent sale unveiling the new Special Grounds coffee truck. He immediately rode over to Sara’s Garden to learn more about HBOT treatments.

Greg felt this was something he had to try. He started noticing benefits after his first week of treatments. Most notably, he was sleeping better, had more energy and his joint pain began to dissipate. On weekends, Greg would take trips or ride home on his motorcycle. His friends would repeatedly make comments that he was looking and acting much better. He is relieved to feel that he has reached a much more comfortable level of living in his battle with Lyme.

He stated, “I know that the Lyme I have is chronic, so it is a matter of suppression, rather than cure. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy helped me reach a higher level of well-being. Because of this I am planning to return to Sara’s Garden to help me maintain and possibly get even better. I’m so thankful for the staff at Sara’s Garden. From top to bottom, they couldn’t have been better. I feel like I left Wauseon with many new friends!”

Thanks to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at Sara’s Garden, Greg now has hope for a pain-free future. No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope… for this and many other conditions. HBOT is treatment without drugs… without surgery… without pain.

A Journey From Hope to Healing

A Journey From Hope to Healing

Hashimoto’s disease, or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, is an autoimmune thyroid disorder in which the immune system mistakes the thyroid gland for a pathogen. The immune system normally reacts when it detects bacteria, toxins, or viruses. But with autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto’s, the immune system becomes dysregulated and causes an autoimmune reaction, attacking the body’s own glands, organs, and tissues. In the case of Hashimoto’s disease, the body’s immune system launches an attack and seeks to destroy thyroid cells. Damage from that attack makes it hard for the gland to produce enough thyroid hormone. Low thyroid hormone levels can make a woman’s periods irregular, which in turn can make it harder to get pregnant.

Growing up, Chelsea never had regular periods. She always thought this was just because she was a very active teenager and young adult. Menstrual dysfunction can occur when the amount of energy used exceeds the amount of energy taken in through nutrition. Excessive exercise, overtraining, stress, dieting and weight loss can lead to changes in normal hormone levels resulting in menstrual dysfunction. Doctors never seemed to be concerned with Chelsea’s menstrual irregularity at any of her checkups as it was always just attributed to her active lifestyle.

When Chelsea got married in 2015, she and her husband started trying to get pregnant right away. However, they both knew that it might be more difficult to have children because of Chelsea’s menstrual irregularity. They were still hopeful. In 2017, after struggling to get pregnant for almost two years, Chelsea’s doctor finally did some extensive testing. Tests showed that Chelsea had Hashimoto’s disease. Since her thyroid was still somewhat functioning, doctors had missed the diagnosis over the years.

Miraculously, Chelsea and her husband found out that they were expecting later that spring. Because Chelsea had Hashimoto’s disease, she was referred to a specialist for a level-2 ultrasound in July at week 19. She was so excited to see her baby in the ultrasound. Her hope was to announce both the pregnancy and the gender at the same time on social media immediately after the appointment. When the tech began the ultrasound, Chelesea saw a round area on the screen. She asked if what she was seeing was the baby’s head. Her heart sank when the tech told her that it was the chest. She immediately knew what was missing… a beating heart. Chelsea delivered her beautiful, stillborn baby girl at the hospital two days later. They named her Hope.

A year after Hope’s birth, Chelsea still hadn’t gotten pregnant again, so they started searching for more definitive answers. After more testing, Chelsea was diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) or Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR). Doctors told her that it was highly unlikely that she would conceive again. However, as she sat in the doctor’s office receiving this devastating news, all she could think of was, “You are not God.” And so, she prayed. Oh, did she pray.

Chelsea also began seeking out alternative therapies and treatments. She started seeing an acupuncturist, changed her diet, and came to Sara’s Garden for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). Chelsea knew about HBOT because her sister, who had also been diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) due to Lyme Disease, had also come to Sara’s Garden. Just like Chelsea, Taylor had also been told by multiple reproductive specialists that she could never have children. She is now the mother of three, with one on the way! (Read Taylor’s story)

Because Chelsea lived in Florida, she spread out her HBOT treatments at Sara’s Garden throughout the next year. In September of 2019, when Chelsea completed her HBOT treatments, she went to see one last reproductive specialist. Just as before, he told her that she would never have children of her own because of the POF and that it was a miracle she had even gotten pregnant with Hope in the first place. If they wanted to have kids, Chelsea and her husband were told that their only option would be through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) using an egg donor. They declined as they did not feel that it was what God had for them.

Two months later, on November 3rd, 2019, Chelsea held a positive pregnancy test in her hand! She can only attribute that miracle to God. He brought Chelsea healing from the grief of losing her daughter, and He brought her physical healing that allowed her to conceive.

“When I arrived at Sara’s Garden for my first treatment and saw that their mission is “Hope, Help, Healing”, I knew that I was in the right place. I needed healing in more than just my body, and God provided that to me. He used Sara’s Garden, a grief counseling group at my church, my acupuncturist, and the countless prayers of family, friends, and even strangers to bring me healing. It is only because of Him that I was able to give birth to a perfectly healthy, 8 lb. 12 oz., baby boy on July 8 of 2020.”

No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope… for this and many other conditions. HBOT is treatment without drugs… without surgery… without pain.

The Journey to Discovering HBOT

The Journey to Discovering HBOT

Bacteria called group B Streptococcus (group B strep, GBS) commonly live in people’s gastrointestinal and genital tracts. Most of the time the bacteria are not harmful and do not make people feel sick or have any symptoms. Sometimes the bacteria can invade the body and cause certain infections. How people spread GBS bacteria to others is generally unknown. However, experts know that pregnant women can pass the bacteria to their babies during delivery.

Doctors worked to treat Kara’s GBS infection while she was in labor. Unfortunately, they did not realize that the infection had already spread to her baby’s placenta until it was too late. While she was giving birth, Kara’s baby girl, Melody, became stressed and she lost oxygen to her brain as her heart rate dropped from 140 bpm to 30 bpm. Kara’s OB was not yet in the building and by the time they got a specialist to her, Melody had been without oxygen for over 20 minutes.

Due to the trauma from the delivery, Melody has had to deal with a host of conditions and setbacks; most notably that of the condition Lissencephaly. Lissencephaly is a rare, brain malformation characterized by the absence of convolutions (folds) in the cerebral cortex. The word lissencephaly literally means “smooth brain.” Lissencephaly is caused by defective neuronal migration during embryonic development, the process through which nerve cells move from their place of origin to a permanent location within cerebral cortex gray matter.

The Lissencephaly caused Melody to have severe seizures resulting in respiratory distress affecting her lungs. She has difficulty swallowing, muscle spasms, slow physical development, and significant psychomotor impairment. Melody is not able to do daily tasks and is dependent on her parents to help her with all her physical needs.

Melody’s journey to discover Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) at Sara’s Garden happened completely by accident. When Melody was six years old, her parents began searching for possible schools that could meet Melody’s needs and help in her continued therapies, intervention, and development. They arrived here to check out the school, New Horizon Academy. While meeting with the admissions coordinator, they learned all the services that were available between the school and Sara’s Garden. They were intrigued upon hearing about the benefits that HBOT treatments could provide. They were willing to try anything if it would help alleviate Melody’s seizures, improve her muscle tone, and reduce her muscle spasms. Little did they know how much it would help her.

By the second day of treatments, they started noticing significant changes in Melody. The muscle spasms and twitches that she had plagued Melody her entire life began subsiding. Melody’s muscle tone had always so tight and caused her so much discomfort that she would fight her parents to wear her AFOs or even sit in her wheelchair. By the end of the first week of treatments, they noticed a complete change. Melody was now wearing her AFOs 5 hours a day.

Melody did 20 treatments during her initial visit to Sara’s Garden in October. They returned a few months later in February for an additional 10 treatments and followed up with 20 more treatments the following June. Her family cannot believe the amazing results they saw in her. Even her therapists back home were shocked at the results upon seeing her again. She is now thriving at accomplishing tasks. Before coming to Sara’s Garden, Melody had never walked, talked, ate independently, or played with objects. This was the first school year where she has accomplished virtually all her IEP goals. Her motor skills have improved to the point that she is now pulling objects out of a bucket and making purposeful movements in her gait trainer (even moving it on her own). She no longer has severe muscle tone issues and has been using communication boards to effectively communicate with those around her.

Her sleep habits improved as well as she began sleeping throughout the entire night. This was the first time in her life that she had ever slept so well. Melody is now more alert and awake throughout the day. Most exciting, is that Melody had experienced multiple seizures leading up to her time at Sara’s Garden. She has now gone six months without any seizure activity after completing her treatments.

Melody’s mom stated, “The staff here at Sara’s Garden has been hands down amazing and supportive. Trusting them to take care of my baby girl was so hard because she had never away from us. They understood our fears and accommodated our needs. They were so easy to talk to and made the whole process so much easier for us. I appreciate everything they are doing at Sara’s Garden and will continue to come back to keep pushing our daughter to advance even further. It’s so worth giving HBOT a try!”

Thanks to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at Sara’s Garden, Melody’s family now has hope for a more independent future for their daughter! No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope… for this and many other conditions. HBOT is treatment without drugs… without surgery… without pain.

HBOT Helps Restore Dreams and Plans

HBOT Helps Restore Dreams and Plans

Woody Allen once said, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” Tony had been involved in ministry off and on for many years. He developed a passion for church planting and dreamed of planting a new church when he finished his residency.

Unfortunately, his plans hit a severe and sudden wall (or in this case truck) in early 2022. On Valentine’s Day, Tony was driving back from visiting his mother at a nursing home in Whitehouse. Doctors believe he had an allergic reaction and passed out, causing his vehicle to drift left of center striking a semi-truck head on. The impact was so intense that he broke the truck’s axle. The semi delivered an even more horrific blow to Tony. Tony’s car was so severely crushed that it was virtually unrecognizable. Tony ended up damaging his eyes and ears, breaking his foot, lower back, most of the ribs on his left side and suffered a collapsed lung. It was truly a miracle that he survived.

Following his accident, Tony underwent countless surgeries in hopes of repairing the damage to his body. Despite the doctors’ best efforts through these surgeries, Tony was still plagued with constant migraines, back aches and body pain. He struggled with getting a good night’s sleep and experienced concerning depression. Tony’s massage therapist told him that his body was so hard that it felt like concrete. He eventually exhausted his physical therapy sessions through insurance after not showing adequate progress. Tony was not able to work for over a year due to the struggles and setbacks he experienced throughout his recovery process.

Chiropractic, physical, and massage therapy were able to relieve some physical tension but couldn’t address the constant pain, and migraines Tony was living with. Unfortunately, the only plausible treatments and relief doctors were able to offer came through the endless barrage of different medications. However, these drugs eventually began to take a toll on him physically and he knew something had to change.

Tony’s pastor had originally mentioned Sara’s Garden to him shortly after the accident. At the time, he didn’t understand how HBOT could help his situation and he wasn’t in the right frame of mind to try and learn. It wasn’t until months later, when he became concerned with the path all of the medications were taking him down, that he started to look into Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy more diligently.

He was surprised and encouraged to learn how HBOT had been successful in treating traumatic brain injuries. Research showed that many military troops who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan are returning home with TBI and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In the past few years there have been numerous Defense Department-led studies looking at the effects of HBOT on troops with TBI. HBOT is an effective and economical treatment for TBI and PTSD, without the very dangerous and negative side effects of antipsychotic medication. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has also been shown to improve client’s fine and gross motor skills, speech, thinking (cognition), memory and physical healing.

For Tony, HBOT provided immediate feedback as to its effectiveness. Tony experienced significate relief within the first 45 minutes of his initial session. He stated, “I noticed the constant ‘thudding’ in my head went away. For the first time in a long time, there was clarity in my thinking.’

Since completing treatments, Tony is overjoyed to report that the migraines which had plagued him for so long have finally gone away. He has noticed more flexibility with his back and felt there was finally a shift in his body’s healing. People have commented that he looks so much better and seems to have better control of his body movements and surety in his gait.

Tony has expressed, “I feel great and am so thankful for these treatments. My bones are healed, my migraines have dissipated, and my back is loosening up. Everyone at Sara’s Garden was so helpful and friendly. I cannot begin to tell you how much this process has meant to me. I grow stronger every day and have much better mental clarity.”

Thanks to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at Sara’s Garden, Tony was once again able to turn his focus to the plans and dreams he had before his accident. He has started seeking work and by the grace of God, has started a new church plant endeavor in central Ohio.

No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope… for this and many other conditions. HBOT is treatment without drugs… without surgery… without pain.

Holistic Ovarian Cancer Care

Holistic Ovarian Cancer Care

The American Cancer Society estimates that nearly 20,000 new cases of ovarian cancer will be diagnosed in the United States this year. Ovarian cancer is relatively rare, accounting for only about 3 percent of all cancers in women. However, ovarian cancer is currently the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women in the United States.

Ovarian cancer can be a very difficult and trying disease. It has a 47% five-year survival rate… meaning that more than half of those treated by conventional oncology do not respond favorably to the treatments. Furthermore, those patients who do enter remission are likely to be faced with a recurrent and persistent form of cancer that standardized protocols are not properly equipped to combat.

Crystal had dealt with numerous health problems since she was seven years old. Despite these issues, she had always maintained an active lifestyle. To her, life is precious and she was not willing to allow health concerns to stop her from the purpose God had for her life. In 2016, Crystal was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and had a partial hysterectomy. She refused chemotherapy as she still wanted to have children and was concerned about the possible long-term, negative effects chemo would have on her body. Instead, she started receiving high IV doses of vitamin C monthly. In March 2020, Crystal learned that the cancer had spread. Doctors scraped cancer from off of her organs and performed a complete hysterectomy.

Crystal started seeing an alternative cancer specialist in Minnesota who helped create a plan for testing, diet and nutrition. This alternative approach was aimed at discovering and treating the cancer’s root cause, not the cancer itself. While ’cause’ is usually ignored by standard oncology, the Centers for Disease Control lists numerous proven cancer causes found via laboratory studies, often post-mortem. They list a host of environmental toxins, bacteria, viruses, and numerous other organisms that can enter a cell and disrupt its replication cycle. Crystal’s plan included Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) to help with detoxification, aid in stimulating the immune system and recover health.

All of the cells in the body require oxygen to survive, even cancer cells. This fact has led to a common misconception that cancer cells thrive on oxygen and accelerate the growth of cancer, making Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ill-suited in the treatment of cancer. Several recent studies have shown this not to be the case and confirmed that HBOT does not induce cancer growth, recurrence, or metastasis. When you have tumors in your body, they often outgrow their oxygen supply. Instead of failing to survive without enough oxygen, some cancer cells can actually thrive and even resist treatment, contributing to the further growth of the cancer.

According to these studies, low oxygen levels in a cell interrupt the activity of oxidative phosphorylation, a term for the highly efficient way that cells normally use to convert food to energy. Hypoxia, which is low oxygen levels, is present in many cancer cells, including ovarian cancers. HBOT is a great adjunctive therapy to compliment most cancer treatments. By flooding your system with concentrated oxygen in your bloodstream, HBOT can help make your cancer cells easier to kill with treatments like chemotherapy and radiation while also activating the body’s natural healing process.

Additional benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for cancer treatment include:

  • Triggering the growth of new blood vessels, which increases the flow of blood and nutrients to your tissue
  • Raises Ph levels in the body, making the body more basic and less acidic
  • Boosting the performance of white blood cells to prevent infection and kill bacteria
  • Reducing pressure, swelling, or pain in the cancer site
  • Reverses the negative effects and damage caused from radiation therapy

When receiving treatment for cancer, HBOT can work in synergy with chemotherapy, radiation, and a ketogenic diet. It may also mitigate the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation and decrease the recovery time after surgical procedures. The use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to treat cancer side effects aims to reduce the damage to healthy tissue and blood vessels, helping the body become stronger and fight off the disease.

Her family was already familiar with HBOT as Crystal’s father had received treatments in a hyperbaric chamber in California years before to treat the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). They were aware of Sara’s Garden’s reputation as a successful alternative treatment center. She found the staff at Sara’s Garden to be very friendly, compassionate and knowledgeable. Crystal received 9 HBOT treatments at Sara’s Garden after her last surgery and another 8 treatments a few months later.

Following treatments, Crystal noticed that not only did her lungs felt stronger, she felt better overall. Small cuts on her hands healed in only a few days, where they would normally take at least a week. The effects were subtle, yet remarkable. Most importantly, her blood tests stayed on point. Her plan is to continue to come back for a few treatments each year as an annual maintenance plan to maintain her health and wellness and states that “What HBOT has done for me was so worth my time and money.”.

Ovarian cancer patients need to know about HBOT! It is vital for patients to begin treatment as soon as possible, so knowing the symptoms is crucial. A few of these symptoms include abdominal swelling, quickly feeling full, weight loss, fatigue and back pain. Women need to check with their doctor regularly and discuss any potential symptoms. Once diagnosed, any and all options must be considered, including Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy from Sara’s Garden.

No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope… for this and many other conditions. HBOT is treatment without drugs… without surgery… without pain.

Fighting Depression Post Traumatic Brain Injury

Fighting Depression Post Traumatic Brain Injury

Depression is common among Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) survivors. The risk of depression after a TBI increases whether the injury is mild, moderate, or severe. It can develop as the person starts to understand the full impact of their injury. This realization can lead to feelings of hopelessness and altered self-esteem and identity as the survivor reflects over the changes that they are facing, and may continue to face in the future.

Research shows that when people without any prior mental health concerns or history of depression suffer a Traumatic Brain Injury, their risk for depression increases significantly. Some studies suggest that the risk for developing depression following a TBI may be two to five times higher than in the rest of the population. Unfortunately, researchers have not determined specific factors that cause depression after brain injuries or when it usually starts. Some people experience depression right after their injury, while others develop it a year or more later.

Many different factors contribute to depression after TBI, and these vary a great deal from person to person. Depression may result from injury to the areas of the brain that control emotions. Changes in the levels of certain natural chemicals in the brain, called neurotransmitters, can cause depression. Depression can also arise as a person struggles to adjust to temporary or lasting disability and losses or role changes within the family and society. Some people have a higher risk for depression due to inherited genes, personal or family history, and other influences that were present before the brain injury.

Prior to suffering a TBI, Tim led a care free, easy-going life. He loved having fun and enjoying life, working full-time as an ironworker. Some of his favorite activities were riding his motorcycle and playing cards with friends. He and his girlfriend were even talking marriage.

An auto accident in June 2019 changed all that. Following the accident, Tim was hospitalized for two weeks, most of which he has absolutely no memory of. He then spent two weeks in a rehab facility recovering from his physical injuries. He remembers something not feeling right in the front part of his brain. He did not laugh and was unable to cry. Depression set in as these negative feelings began controlling his mood. He stated that, “I didn’t care about anything, even though I knew I should. I was just existing, going through the motions.”

Unfortunately for Tim, he began losing more than his emotions. He lost his girlfriend and some friends in the process when his depression began to affect his relationships as they were not able to understand his condition. He looked fine on the outside. However, Tim was anything but fine on the inside and it was shaping up to be a rough road to recovery.

Tim began experiencing memory loss. He was forgetting things that he knew he should know and remember. He began seeing a counselor and psychologist. He became frustrated with that process as he felt they just wanted to keep changing his medications. He felt like he was spinning his wheels in all his sessions. Nothing was helping.

Tim’s life reached a new low point in June 2021 when he had a close encounter with a semi-truck. Even though he avoided an accident, the emotional trauma from the event completely shook him to his core. He relapsed and suffered a bout of manic depression. He began getting in trouble with the authorities, despite having no memory of the incidences. No amount of medication was working. In fact, Tim and his family feel it was making things worse.

After struggling with these feelings for over two years, Tim’s family finally sought help from the Amen Clinic, one of the world leaders in applying brain imaging science to help people who struggle with emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. They performed a Brain SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) on Tim. SPECT is a state-of-the-art brain mapping tool that can give psychiatrists more information to help their patients more effectively. SPECT is a nuclear medicine study that is proven to reliably evaluate blood flow and activity in the brain. SPECT allows physicians to look deep inside the brain to observe three things: areas of the brain that work well, areas of the brain that work too hard, and areas of the brain that do not work hard enough. Following the SPECT, it was suggested that Tim would benefit from Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been proven to reduce cerebral edema, reduce neuro-inflammation, increases oxygen saturation to the brain, promote new blood vessel growth, reactivate idling neurons and can create an 8-fold increase in your own stem cell production. In a hyperbaric chamber, the influx of oxygen helps increase blood flow and expedites cellular repair naturally. SPECT scans show that people who have had HBOT have marked improvement in blood flow to the brain.

By giving the body what it needs to thrive – and taking away other natural pollutants for the short time – the brain experiences reduced irritability, impulsivity, and mood swings while many patients notice an increase in uplifting emotions, motor function, and IQ. In other words, HBOT addresses the root cause of anxiety and depression.

Midway through his initial round of HBOT treatments, Tim and his family began seeing benefits. He began talking more clearly and his motivation and interest in activities began to increase. He started participating in physical activity again, walking 2-3 miles with him mom every day. Since completing treatments, Tim has been able to return to the work he loved as an iron worker. Tim has been able to reduce his medications and replace them with more natural vitamin options that don’t leave him feeling so disconnected. He is so thankful to oxygen treatments at Sara’s Garden for helping aid him in his recovery.

No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope… for this and many other conditions. HBOT is treatment without drugs… without surgery… without pain.

A COVID-19 Long Hauler Journey with HBOT

A COVID-19 Long Hauler Journey with HBOT

Most people who have had COVID-19 recover completely within a few weeks. But some people, even those who had mild versions of the disease, continue to experience symptoms long after their initial recovery. These people, given the name “Long Haulers”, have in theory recovered from the worst impacts of COVID-19. However, they continue to experience symptoms.

Researchers estimate about 10% of COVID-19 patients become long haulers. Older people and people with many serious medical conditions are the most likely to experience lingering COVID-19 symptoms. However, even young, otherwise healthy people can feel negative effects for weeks to months after infection. This condition has been seen in people who were hospitalized with COVID-19 as well as people with very mild symptoms. There seems to be no consistent reason for this to happen.

Although COVID-19 is seen as a disease that primarily affects the lungs, it can also damage many other organs, including the heart, kidneys and the brain. Organ damage may lead to health complications that linger after the original COVID-19 illness. In some people, lasting health effects may include long-term breathing problems, heart complications, chronic kidney impairment, stroke and Gullain-Barré Syndrome, an inflammatory condition characterized by the rapid onset of numbness, weakness, and often paralysis.

The list of long hauler symptoms is long, wide and inconsistent. For some people, the lasting coronavirus symptoms are nothing like the original symptoms when they were first infected with COVID-19. The most common long hauler symptoms include: coughing, ongoing, sometimes debilitating, fatigue, body aches, joint pain, shortness of breath, loss of taste and smell (even if this didn’t occur during the height of illness), difficulty sleeping, headaches and brain fog. Brain fog is among the most confusing symptoms for long haulers. Clients report being unusually forgetful, confused or unable to concentrate even enough to watch TV.

Rex was a typical 55-year-old male. Before contracting COVID, he had no prior health issues other than high blood pressure and cholesterol. He worked and performed tasks very much like he had his whole life. He took care of his home and small farm without any help or special considerations. According to Rex, “Before COVID, I lived a very boring and happy life.”

Rex’s long hauler journey began when he contracted COVID in September of 2021. He spent nineteen days in the hospital, some of those days on 55 liters of high flow oxygen. When Rex was discharged from the hospital in October, he still needed to have an oxygen tank and was on five liters of oxygen.  He felt like he was a hostage in his own home, limited to the 50 feet of hose. His pulmonologist told him that he had lung fibrosis and scarring and would most likely be on oxygen for the rest of his life. He was told there was a possibility he would not be able to ever work again.

Although treatment options are being explored every day, many patients with lingering COVID-19 symptoms are having to be patient and wait until their symptoms get better with time. In addition to the oxygen, Rex was on a blood thinner and steroids. Unfortunately, Rex did not see much progress. Doctors suggested it would take anywhere from three months to a year before he noticed any improvement. This was their “best case scenario.”

Rex had learned about Sara’s Garden years before, but never gave a thought to how HBOT could benefit his condition until his wife mentioned it after he was released from the hospital. He hadn’t considered that hyperbaric oxygen therapy could be used as an effective form of treatment for lingering COVID-19 symptoms due to its ability to reverse hypoxia, reduce neuro-inflammation, and improve tissue oxygenation. Rex did some investigating online and decided to call and ask a few questions. He figured HBOT was worth a shot because he was not healing as fast as he wanted to.

Rex describes his experience, “I know that it might sound unbelievable, but after the third shallow dive session, I noticed that I could take deeper breaths.  After the first week, I began to notice that my stamina was improving. Things like taking a shower or walking out to get the mail did not require as much effort and I was not as exhausted after.”

Rex began noticing things almost immediately. He had increased stamina and was seeing increased oxygen levels on his pulse ox meter. He was able to start going up and down the basement stairs without stopping three or four times to catch his breath. He had more energy and didn’t have to think about the next breath he was going to take. He also noticed that his recovery time was considerably less after physical activity.

After his second week of treatment, Rex had a follow-up CT scan. The pulmonologist stated that he saw improvement in Rex’s test results that he could not fully explain. “He told me to continue doing whatever I was doing, because it was working.”

Rex feels so much better after receiving HBOT treatments at Sara’s Garden. The greatest benefit Rex feels he received from HBOT, is that he no longer has to concentrate on every breath he needs to take. “I mentioned to my wife the other evening that I had gone for a walk, straightened up the garage, finished doing a load of laundry and watched two episodes of The Andy Griffith show and I had not thought about breathing once.” This is such a huge relief to Rex. Before HBOT, the stress of breathing was constantly on his mind. He was always worried whether he would be able to get enough oxygen to get out of his chair. Rex is so thankful that he decided to try hyperbaric oxygen therapy at Sara’s Garden.

According to Rex, “I was so impressed by the professionalism and kindness I was shown by everyone at Sara’s Garden. From the website, to the first phone call I made, to the treatments themselves, everyone has been helpful and kind to me and the others that were seeking treatment. The facility is welcoming and very clean. It is definitely maintained and cared for by people who take pride in their workplace and it made me feel confident that I was in good hands.”

At Sara’s Garden, we are treating more and more clients with lingering COVID-19 symptoms each day. Our clients, like Rex, are dramatically reducing or even eliminating their long hauler COVID-19 symptoms. No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope… for this and many other conditions. HBOT is treatment without drugs… without surgery… without pain.

Even Small Injuries Can Lead to Big Problems

Even Small Injuries Can Lead to Big Problems

It has been said that little problems often become big problems if you don’t take the initiative to correct them. Unfortunately, when it comes to our bodies and injuries, little injuries can lead to big problems even when we take the initiative to correct them. There are times when complications from surgery can lead to even bigger issues than what the original surgery was even attempting to fix.

Andrew enlisted in the Army after graduating from Wauseon High School and was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 2-504 Parachute Infantry Regiment, Charlie Company, 3rd Platoon. Andrew found great fulfillment serving his country and his hard work paid off as he was recognized for his initiative and efforts and promoted to serve as Team Leader and Squad Designated Marksman in his division. While preparing to go through selection for Special Forces he suffered what he thought to be at the time, a minor setback when a pilonidal cyst formed on his tailbone.

A pilonidal cyst is an abnormal pocket in the skin that usually contains hair and skin debris. It is almost always located near the tailbone at the top of the cleft of the buttocks. Pilonidal cysts usually occur when hair punctures the skin and becomes embedded. If a pilonidal cyst becomes infected, the resulting abscess is often extremely painful. The cyst can be drained through a small incision or removed surgically.

Andrew’s seemingly harmless cyst did indeed become infected and started causing significant pain. When the cyst continued to grow, doctors advised Andrew that an operation was necessary to prevent it from getting worse. So, on November 2, 2015, Andrew underwent surgery at Fort Bragg to remove the cyst.

The resulting surgical wound needed to be packed and cleaned daily by a wound care team at the hospital. When a wound is deep, or when it tunnels under the skin, packing the wound can help it heal. The packing material soaks up any drainage from the wound, which helps the tissues heal from the inside out. Without the packing, the wound could close at the top. This would trap fluid and possibly bacteria in the deeper areas of the wound, impede healing, and lead to infection. Andrew was forced to wait for the wound cavity to heal before he could resume selection training.

After a month, Andrew’s wound had still not healed. His doctors stopped treating him because the healing time was taking longer than expected. They simply gave him a bag of supplies, instructed him to pack the wound himself and told Andrew to follow up with them in three months.

Not only did the wound not heal, it became infected and started causing Andrew incredible pain. On December 14, 2015 doctors surgically reopened the wound site to remove the infection, resulting in an even larger wound cavity, over 1 in. deep, 2 cm. long and 1 cm. wide.

Andrew was not about to endure another “wait and see” healing period. Thankfully, Andrew had received Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at Sara’s Garden back when he was in high school recovering from a stress fracture in his foot. He remembered how it had helped to speed up his healing process then and believed it could help him once again.

As soon as his surgery was over, Andrew left Fort Bragg and headed home to Wauseon to start hyperbaric treatments at Sara’s Garden. The high concentration of oxygen at increased pressure allowed Andrew to increase his healing efficiency. After only a few days, his pain level was significantly reduced and could feel the infection begin to subside. Over the course of the next three weeks, Andrew received 16 HBOT treatments. With the help of the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Andrew was able to beat the infection and successfully close the wound that he had been dealing with for the past two months.

Andrew felt grateful to have been able to finally heal and get back to his previous level of operation. He stated that he was pain free and had a renewed confidence to return and complete his military operations. Andrew went on to deploy with the 82nd to Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Without hyperbaric treatments at Sara’s Garden, Andrew is convinced that his infection and wound would have continued to deteriorate due to the lack of care he was receiving from the Army Medical Corps.

Andrew is now out of the Army and in his last year of a BSN-RN program. He is hoping to continue his education to the provider level and is looking for an opportunity to provide health services to people in need such as veterans or individuals with special needs.

No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope… for this and many other conditions. HBOT is treatment without drugs… without surgery… without pain.

Overcoming the Downward Spiral of Anxiety & Depression

Overcoming the Downward Spiral of Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety is a normal and healthy emotion all people experience. It’s a normal response to stressful situations and signals us to be alert and ready for impending danger. Depression is different from anxiety. Rather than feeling anxious and nervous, feelings of gloom and melancholy take center stage. Feeling sad or down after experiencing a loss or disappointment is normal, and everyone feels anxious from time to time. However, severe or ongoing feelings of depression and anxiety that interfere with life functions can be a sign of an underlying mental health disorder.

In the U.S. the most common approach to treating anxiety and depression involves using potent medications, called anxiolytics, such as benzodiazepines and barbiturates. Sadly, for many, these medications can actually increase anxiety over the course of time. While counseling and psychological therapy can address less severe forms of anxiety, they do not address the root cause of underlying brain imbalances.

So, what are the root causes of anxiety and depression? Recent advances in neuroscience reveal the root causes include a lack of blood flow and oxygen to the brain, lack of specific brain chemicals, and brainwave imbalances. Inside the brain, we have billions of brain cells, called neurons, sending electrical signals to each other, which we measure as brainwaves. These electrical signals cause the brain cells to release small chemicals called neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline.

This vast network of brain cells is fed with oxygen and other nutrients by blood from over 100,000 miles of blood vessels inside the brain. In children and adults with anxiety, studies show there are often not enough of these blood vessels supplying oxygen and important nutrients. This lack of nutrients begins to cause brainwave imbalances, as measured by an EEG scan. People with anxiety typically have too much brainwave activity on the right side of their brain, usually in the temporal lobe of the brain.

This, in turn, causes a downstream effect on brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, meaning that the brain cells start producing too little or too much of the chemicals they need. People with anxiety are usually deficient in serotonin and GABA neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitter imbalances are further exacerbated by nutritional deficiencies in the person’s diet, especially of key vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids.

Adequate blood flow in the brain is vital for mental health. Brain imaging studies using SPECT scans reveal that low blood flow is commonly linked to mental health/brain health issues, such as ADD/ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and addictions. In fact, low blood flow is the leading brain imaging predictor that an individual will develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Kyle had been living with mild forms of anxiety and depression for some time. He was taking a small dose of medication to treat his disorder. It was manageable. He was hanging out with his friends, playing music, and finding joy in the hobbies and activities he was participating in.

Things changed for Kyle when he tried a treatment for depression called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain in hopes to improve symptoms of depression. It’s thought to activate regions of the brain that have decreased activity in depression. Unfortunately for Kyle, it made his symptoms worse. After TMS, his depression and anxiety became unmanageable and debilitating. He no longer wanted to interact with friends or take part in any activities.

Kyle’s life became a dangerous circle of worsening feelings and increasing medications. He felt like he was spiraling out of control with no end in sight. Thankfully, he found Sara’s Garden and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) while researching natural treatment options in hopes of breaking his never-ending cycle of medications.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been proven to reduce cerebral edema, reduce neuro-inflammation, increases oxygen saturation to the brain, promote new blood vessel growth, reactivate idling neurons and can create an 8-fold increase in your own stem cell production. In a hyperbaric chamber, the influx of oxygen helps increase blood flow and expedites cellular repair naturally. SPECT scans show that people who have had HBOT have marked improvement in blood flow to the brain.

By giving the body what it needs to thrive – and taking away other natural pollutants for the short time – the brain experiences reduced irritability, impulsivity, and mood swings while many patients notice an increase in uplifting emotions, motor function, and IQ. In other words, HBOT addresses the root cause of anxiety and depression.

Following his first 40 sessions of HBOT, Kyle noticed an increase in cognitive function and felt more optimism. He became more motivated to be around people again and felt that he had fewer negative thoughts. His brain felt stronger. Kyle’s family and friends noticed the changes too. He heard many comments from those around him that he was returning to his old self.

Kyle feels much better now. It’s an ongoing process. He can’t say that his depression and anxiety are completely gone, but he is now able to handle it better. Problems that once seemed impossible to overcome now seem doable. Kyle is so thankful to the entire staff at Sara’s Garden for being so helpful and understanding and having a heart for helping others.

No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope… for this and many other conditions. HBOT is treatment without drugs… without surgery… without pain.

Whenever There is Help, There is Hope

Whenever There is Help, There is Hope

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition. Each individual with autism has unique strengths and challenges, which can include difficulty with social interaction, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. Autism is known as a “spectrum” disorder because there is wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms people that experience. Autism can manifest itself in a number of ways, so it can be tricky to diagnosis. It’s very difficult to draw narrow boundaries around the condition and say, “This is what an autistic child looks like.” This much we do know; Autism is a neurological condition that impacts at least 1.5 million kids (and growing) in this country alone.

The number of children in the United States diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has increased dramatically in recent years. In 2020, the CDC reported that numbers had risen from 1 in 150 in 2000, to 1 in 88 in 2008, to 1 in 54 according to the latest 2016 data. Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism as girls. Most professionals who specialize in diagnosing the disorder won’t attempt to make a definite diagnosis until 18 months even if a child is exhibiting many symptoms of the condition. This is because symptoms of autism can continue to emerge, or fade away, until around 24 months when they say that an autism diagnosis tends to become “stable.”

Joseph was one such child. At a very young age, Joseph’s family noticed things about him that set him apart from other children his age. He made very little eye contact. He did not bond or play with others. He seemed to be in his own little world. He did not meet his milestones, such as crawling, walking and talking as he should. They always felt in their hearts that there was something a little unique about Joseph and the way he did things.

Joseph was tested for autism when he was three years old. He was diagnosed with autism and ADHD. Needless to say, the diagnosis did not come as a surprise to his family. Thankfully, they viewed the diagnosis as a blessing, not a curse or a sentence as they now knew what they were dealing with. Studies show that early intervention affords the best opportunity to support healthy development and deliver benefits to individuals with autism. Joseph’s family was able to enroll him in speech, physical and occupational therapy in hopes of providing him with the best possible interventions to support his development.

For Joseph, it was difficult controlling his emotions and body. It was hard for him to focus and he was very sensitive to his surroundings. Large crowds and loud noises tended to increase his anxiety. Joseph struggled socially as well, not wanting to make eye contact or engage in conversation. Joseph took medication to help with these issues. When Joseph is focused and calm, it is much easier for him to play with peers and converse with others. While the medication helped, his family longed to see even more improvements.

Unfortunately, traditional medicines have often failed at producing desired results for many individuals with autism and their families. Because of this, more and more parents have turned to alternative forms of treatment, not to cure, but to counteract the underlying symptoms of autism. Studies have demonstrated hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) as one such emerging treatment that parents and physicians are utilizing to help ameliorate the effects of ASD. In their search for possible treatment options for Joseph, his family discovered HBOT and Sara’s Garden.

So, what is HBOT and why does it help alleviate symptoms in children with ASD? The exact reasons it helps children with ASD are still being researched, however, there are some clear correlations one can observe in the current research. By saturating the circulatory system with oxygen, resulting in an increase in oxygen to tissues, HBOT removes toxins, such as heavy metals from the body. It reduces inflammation allowing oxygen-deprived areas to have a return of blood flow. It builds new capillaries in the brain and stimulates stem cell growth and mobilization.

Joseph’s family noticed so many great benefits in Joseph. They even noticed some things they didn’t know they would see! He was able to be taken off some of his ADHD medicines… and has been able to stay off them! His focus on his school work is so much better since coming to Sara’s Garden. Joseph used to be a constant sleep walker. His family is thrilled to find that is no longer a problem. He is a wonderful sleeper and also now has a great appetite as well. Previously, Joseph was very secluded, shy and quiet. He had a hard time making eye contact and handling proper social queues. His family was thrilled to see Joseph smiling and talking more, wanting to be more social and expressing interest in others. To them, he is now just happier and calmer when he is around other people.

Whenever there is help, there is hope. Joseph’s family is so thankful to have found that hope for Joseph at Sara’s Garden and are pleased that the treatments have helped him the way they have! They are so grateful that the caring staff at Sara’s Garden has really gotten to know Joseph and made their time here feel like a home away from home!

No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope… for this and many other conditions. HBOT is treatment without drugs… without surgery… without pain.