Save the Date for the 2022 Drive Fore Hope

Save the Date for the 2022 Drive Fore Hope

Thank you so much to everyone who was a part of the 2021 Drive Fore Hope Charity Golf Scramble!

The weather wasn’t ideal or what we envisioned for this year’s event… but we were so blessed by the amazing men and women who turned out to play in and volunteer for this year’s event. Thank you for being so patient and understanding with the adverse conditions! We are truly grateful for your support!

Next year’s event is scheduled for Friday, May 27, 2022. Don’t forget to get it on your calendar and save the date. We hope to see you at the 2022 Drive Fore Hope!

Save the Date for the NHA Christmas Musical

Save the Date for the NHA Christmas Musical

Save the date for Tuesday, December 14! You’re not going to want to miss this ye mateys!

The kiddos at NHA’s Wauseon campus will be presenting their annual Christmas musical: A Pirate Christmas!

After missing last year due to unfortunate COVID restrictions, this year’s musical will be an Elves vs. Pirates event as they try to figure out what Christmas is all about!

Please get this date on your calendar and plan to be available from approximately 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. that evening. The musical will once again be held at Pettisville Missionary Church. Obviously we will be monitoring the ever-changing state and health department COVID guidelines and keep everyone informed of any potential issues in scheduling.

If you are new to the NHA family and aren’t familiar with our musicals, ask someone who was here in either 2018 or 2019 – they have been a huge success and our students absolutely love them!

2021 “Drive Fore Hope” Reminder

2021 “Drive Fore Hope” Reminder

Don’t forget! The 2021 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble is this fall. Do you have your team signed up yet? We have put together a fun-filled day at Ironwood Golf Course in Wauseon, Ohio and hope to see you there!

Event Date:Friday, September 24, 2021
Event Location:Ironwood Golf Course, Wauseon, Ohio
Event Format:4-Player Team Scramble
Event Cost:$75 per Player ($300 per Team)
Event has ended

All proceeds from this event will be used towards the purchase of therapy equipment for our clients and students at Sara’s Garden and New Horizons Academy. Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States to offer Autism Intervention, Conductive Education, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration and Speech-Language Pathology services.

Registration Includes:

  • Scramble format (4-player teams)
  • Green and cart fees
  • Range balls
  • Goodie bag
  • Contests and prizes
  • Awards for top teams
  • Lunch Buffet
Schedule of Events
7:00 a.m.
Range Open
8:00 a.m.
Shotgun Scramble
1:00 p.m.
Lunch Buffet at NHA Career Center
2:00 p.m.

Below is a list of the past golf outing sponsors that we would like to honor. Thank you for your support!

Platinum Title Sponsors
Gold Event Sponsors
Silver Contest Partners
  • 20/20 Custom Molded Plastics
  • Andres, O’Neil and Lowe
  • Arrow Tru-Line, Inc.
  • Fitzenrider, Inc.
  • Foundation Steel LLC
  • Haas Door
  • Meyer-Badenhop Insurance
  • Miller Bros. Construction, Inc.
  • Nature Fresh
  • Rupp-Rosebrock, Inc.
  • State Bank
  • Subway of Archbold, Delta, Swanton, Waterville, & West Unity
  • Wauseon Machine and Manufacturing
  • Winzeler & Bok, Ltd
  • Worthington Industries Galvanizing Department
Bronze Meal Sponsors
  • Creighton Electric
  • D&G Welding
  • Grieser Transportation
  • North Star BlueScope Steel
  • Schuette Construction
  • Swanton Welding & Machine
  • Worthington Industries
O2 Tee Sponsors
  • Aquatek Water Conditioning
  • Aeschliman & Co. CPA’s
  • American Legion Post 300
  • Archbold Container
  • Auto Images
  • Automatic Feed Company
  • Barber, Kaper, Stamm, McWatters & Whitlock
  • Beck’s Construction
  • Beck Insurance
  • Black Swamp Equipment
  • Car 1
  • Cordy Insurance Agency
  • David Geringer
  • Dr. McKernan and Dr. Spieles
  • Edward Jones, Wauseon
  • Fulton Industries
  • Gerig Eavespouting
  • Gearig Floors
  • Grieser Roos Insurance
  • Holthues and Associates
  • Ironwood Golf Course
  • J&B Feed
  • Joe Newlove Real Estate & Auction
  • Kevin’s Plumbing & Heating
  • Kinsman Propane
  • Krauss-Lane Electric
  • Lugbill Supply
  • M.E. Miller Tire
  • Miller Construction
  • Nafziger Chiropractic
  • Nofziger Door Sales
  • NWO Beverage Co.
  • OK Electric
  • Pettisville Grain
  • R&S Lines
  • Roth, Britsch, Dickman & Associates
  • Rychener Seed
  • Sauder Woodworking
  • Scottdel Cushion, LLC
  • Short Agency
  • Sonit Systems
  • Systech Handling
  • Terry Henricks Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram
  • Tomahawk Printing
  • Whalen Realty

For additional information regarding team registration for the Sara’s Garden “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble please email Jackie Rice or Tara Dumas or via phone at 419.335.SARA.

Please join us for a great day of golf filled with fun, great food, auction items, skill contests and fabulous prizes. Take a day off work for a great cause and meet some of the amazing people you are golfing to help!

2021 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble

2021 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble

The “Drive Fore Hope” is BACK!

After missing last year due to COVID restrictions, Sara’s Garden is thrilled to announce that our 2021 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble is back on and scheduled for Friday, September 24th. Be sure to save the date! We have put together another fun-filled day at Ironwood Golf Course in Wauseon, Ohio and hope to see you there!

One big change this year, is that we will not be collecting any money for sponsorships. We know that you, our amazing local businesses, were negatively impacted by the pandemic this past year. As our way of saying thanks for all of your dedicated support of Sara’s Garden, we will be posting all of the sponsorship signs that we have for businesses that have sponsored this event the past four years.

Event Date: Friday, September 24, 2021
Event Location: Ironwood Golf Course, Wauseon, Ohio
Event Format: 4-Player Team Scramble
Event Cost: $75 per Player ($300 per Team)

All proceeds from this event will be used towards the purchase of therapy equipment for our clients and students at Sara’s Garden and New Horizons Academy. Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States to offer Autism Intervention, Conductive Education, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration and Speech-Language Pathology services.

Event has ended

Registration Includes:

  • Scramble format (4-player teams)
  • Green and cart fees
  • Range balls
  • Goodie bag
  • Contests and prizes
  • Awards for top teams
  • Lunch Buffet
Schedule of Events
7:00 a.m.
Range Open
8:00 a.m.
Shotgun Scramble
1:00 p.m.
Lunch Buffet at NHA Career Center
2:00 p.m.

Below is a list of the past golf outing sponsors that we would like to honor. Thank you for your support!

Platinum Title Sponsors
Gold Event Sponsors
Silver Contest Partners
  • 20/20 Custom Molded Plastics
  • Andres, O’Neil and Lowe
  • Arrow Tru-Line, Inc.
  • Fitzenrider, Inc.
  • Foundation Steel LLC
  • Haas Door
  • Meyer-Badenhop Insurance
  • Miller Bros. Construction, Inc.
  • Nature Fresh
  • Rupp-Rosebrock, Inc.
  • State Bank
  • Subway of Archbold, Delta, Swanton, Waterville, & West Unity
  • Wauseon Machine and Manufacturing
  • Winzeler & Bok, Ltd
  • Worthington Industries Galvanizing Department
Bronze Meal Sponsors
  • Creighton Electric
  • D&G Welding
  • Grieser Transportation
  • North Star BlueScope Steel
  • Schuette Construction
  • Swanton Welding & Machine
  • Worthington Industries
O2 Tee Sponsors
  • Aquatek Water Conditioning
  • Aeschliman & Co. CPA’s
  • American Legion Post 300
  • Archbold Container
  • Auto Images
  • Automatic Feed Company
  • Barber, Kaper, Stamm, McWatters & Whitlock
  • Beck’s Construction
  • Beck Insurance
  • Black Swamp Equipment
  • Car 1
  • Cordy Insurance Agency
  • David Geringer
  • Dr. McKernan and Dr. Spieles
  • Edward Jones, Wauseon
  • Fulton Industries
  • Gerig Eavespouting
  • Gearig Floors
  • Grieser Roos Insurance
  • Holthues and Associates
  • Ironwood Golf Course
  • J&B Feed
  • Joe Newlove Real Estate & Auction
  • Kevin’s Plumbing & Heating
  • Kinsman Propane
  • Krauss-Lane Electric
  • Lugbill Supply
  • M.E. Miller Tire
  • Miller Construction
  • Nafziger Chiropractic
  • Nofziger Door Sales
  • NWO Beverage Co.
  • OK Electric
  • Pettisville Grain
  • R&S Lines
  • Roth, Britsch, Dickman & Associates
  • Rychener Seed
  • Sauder Woodworking
  • Scottdel Cushion, LLC
  • Short Agency
  • Sonit Systems
  • Systech Handling
  • Terry Henricks Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram
  • Tomahawk Printing
  • Whalen Realty

For additional information regarding partnership opportunities or team registration for the Sara’s Garden “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble please contact Tara at 419.335.SARA or via email at [email protected].

Please join us for a great day of golf filled with fun, great food, auction items, skill contests and fabulous prizes. Take a day off work for a great cause and meet some of the amazing people you are golfing to help!

2020 #GivingTuesday419

2020 #GivingTuesday419

Like so many other things, #GivingTuesday419 this year has gone VIRTUAL!

#GivingTuesday419 is still all about giving back to the community, showing thankfulness and gratitude for what we do have, and sharing with those, who need it the most. That hasn’t changed. What has changed is the format for giving.

Instead of a single day of giving, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, this year, #GivingTuesday419 will be a five-day event. From November 29 through December 3, 2020, anyone may log onto Everence’s Giving Tuesday web site, register for the virtual program, and enter their favorite charity into a special giveaway or drawing. Donations may also be made directly to Sara’s Garden with Sara’s Garden tallying the numbers and updating Everence’s Giving Tuesday totals.

Through last year’s Giving Tuesday Event, we had almost reached our fundraising goal for our fully accessible playgrounds and multisensory areas in Wauseon and Springfield, SO OUR KIDS COULD PLAY! We were all SO excited to get the projects started, to expand the roof over our courtyard, pour the latex-vinyl flooring for safe, exploratory play, and create UNBELIEVABLE play areas for physical education, therapy, recreation, and FUN!

And then the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and the world changed for our special needs kids. Our school was forced to close, and our students were lost! They lost their routine, their sense of community, and even their playmates and friends. Online learning was NOT designed for special needs kids! They were MORE than anxious to come back to school, back to their routines, their teachers, and their friends.

But they also came back to coronavirus precautions—masks, social distancing, hand washing, sanitizing, teachers switching classrooms NOT kids, lunch in homerooms, and NO new playgrounds because of coronavirus delays and other required safety precautions. These new requirements were not part of our original plans, but they are NOW necessities to keep our children safe and healthy! So, we need YOUR help.

During this Giving Tuesday, please help our special needs kids to play and play safely by giving of yourself and helping us to finish our long-awaited playgrounds. Through your caring and support, we hope to continue to make a difference in the lives of our special needs children and their families. No gift is too small to help inspire change in Northwest Ohio!

For more information on #GivingTuesday419 or to register for the event, log onto

Marathon Classic Volunteers Needed

Marathon Classic Volunteers Needed

Sara’s Garden is proud to announce that we have been selected as a benefiting charity for the 2020 LPGA Marathon Classic to be hosted at Highland Meadows Golf Course, August 3rd-9th.

Sara’s Garden, with the support of the Marathon Classic, hopes to create TWO fully inclusive, multi-sensory play areas in Springfield and Wauseon, which offer youth of all ability levels and their families the opportunity to explore, discover, and play together. They will address the needs of special needs children with neurological, intellectual, and physical disabilities, as well as their typically developing peers and siblings. These fully inclusive, regional playgrounds will have areas and activities rich in sensory experiences, social interactions, and physical challenges. The play areas will naturally expand and enhance both the recreational and therapeutic treatment, offered both during and after school hours for special needs children and their families.

As a benefiting charity, we are providing volunteers to help with set-up and clean-up of the tournament.

  • Ten volunteers are needed for set-up on August 2nd from 2:00 – 6:00 pm.
  • Three volunteers are needed to for clean-up on August 10th at 8:00 am until completion for clean-up (approximately 2 hours).

Volunteers should wear clothes you are comfortable getting dirty or paint on, no jeans allowed. If the volunteer is under 18 years of age, they must have a parent or guardian present.

If interested in volunteering on behalf of Sara’s Garden, please contact Kelly Elton at [email protected].

2020 “Drive Fore Hope” Event Postponed

2020 “Drive Fore Hope” Event Postponed

Our 2020 “Drive hope  Hope” Charity Golf Scramble previously scheduled for Friday, May 22 has been postponed indefinitely.

With all the uncertainty surrounding Ohio’s current stay-at-home order we need to postpone this year’s event. Even if we were able to get together by this date we can not, in good conscious, solicit sponsorships right now from local businesses who have been negatively impacted by this time of unrest and shut down.

Thank you so much to the individuals and businesses of Northwest Ohio who have so generously supported us over the years. You have blessed us beyond measure and allowed us to carry out our mission.

We will let you know if we are going to be able to move the 2020 Drive Fore Hope to a later date in the year.

2020 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble

2020 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble

Dust off your clubs! Sara’s Garden would like to invite you to participate in the 2020 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble. Be sure to save the date! We have put together a fun-filled day at Ironwood Golf Course in Wauseon, Ohio and hope to see you there!

Event Date:Friday, May 22, 2020
Event Location:Ironwood Golf Course, Wauseon, Ohio
Event Format:4-Player Team Scramble
Event Cost:$75 per Player ($300 per Team)

All proceeds from this event will be used towards the purchase of therapy equipment for our clients and students at Sara’s Garden and New Horizons Academy. Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States to offer Autism Intervention, Conductive Education, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration and Speech-Language Pathology services.

Registration Includes:

  • Scramble format (4-player teams)
  • Green and cart fees
  • Range balls
  • Goodie bag
  • Contests and prizes
  • Awards for top teams
  • Lunch Buffet
Schedule of Events
7:00 a.m.
Range Open
8:00 a.m.
Shotgun Scramble
1:00 p.m.
Lunch Buffet
2:00 p.m.

Partnership Opportunities

Platinum Title Partner – $1,500

  • Includes one foursome, event promotion, platinum title partner signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 15 hours of HBOT treatments or up to 43 hours of intervention services.

Gold Event Partner – $900

  • Includes one foursome, gold event partner activity signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 9 hours of HBOT treatments or up to 25 hours of intervention services.

Silver Contest Partner – $500

  • Includes one foursome, silver contest partner signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 5 hours of HBOT treatments or up to 14 hours of intervention services.

Bronze Meal Partner – $350

  • Includes bronze meal partner signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 3.5 hours of HBOT treatments or up to 10 hours of intervention services.

O2 Tee Partner – $100

  • Includes O2 tee partner signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 1 hour of HBOT treatments or up to 3 hours of intervention services.

For additional information regarding partnership opportunities or team registration for the Sara’s Garden “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble please contact Jackie at 419.335.SARA or via email at [email protected].

Please join us for a great day of golf filled with fun, great food, auction items, skill contests and fabulous prizes. Take a day off work for a great cause and meet some of the amazing people you are golfing to help!

Designer Purse BINGO is Back!

Designer Purse BINGO is Back!

We’re bringing back Purse BINGO for 2020 and we hope you can make it! After changing the format to a reverse raffle style event for a couple years due to state regulations, we have heard everyone’s feedback and are working on the necessary licensing to allow us to hold the event in a BINGO format once again. Stay tuned for updates as we aim to hold this year’s Designer Purse BINGO event in the fall of 2020.

Ladies, this is not your grandmother’s BINGO! You’ll get to enjoy a fun filled Girl’s Night Out with your friends while playing BINGO for fabulous purses from the designers you know and love. Win designer handbags by Coach, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Ralph Lauren and Dooney & Bourke. There will be many amazing handbags available to win!  

Be sure to follow our Facebook page as more details become available. We will be posting photos of the purses and giving you chances to vote for your favorites and earn extra tickets to the raffle and door prizes!

NHA Students Take a Bow

NHA Students Take a Bow

NHA Students Take a Bow, Because We’re All Just a Bunch of FLAKES!

Take a bow New Horizons Academy (NHA) students, teachers, and Christmas Musical Coordinator Melissa Valentine! You all put on a dynamite show, and reminded us that we are all unique, have all different talents, gifts, and abilities; and in the end, we’re all just a bunch of (snow)FLAKES.

On December 10 at Pettisville Missionary Church, NHA preschool to high school students shivered, shimmied, sang, and shook their booties for a full house of over 500 parents, friends, family members, and even community well-wishers. They put on FLAKES, NHA’s second annual Christmas musical, directed by music teacher Valentine. During the musical, the North Wind started blowing, and the temperatures started dropping and dropping down to 10 below zero. A big blizzard hit the stage with a cool bunch of jazzy, finger-snappin’ snowflakes. The Flakes and Snirts helped the Littlest Snowflake to see how no two flakes are alike and that we are all special in our own way. This important lesson culminated with the refrain:

You’re one, one in a million! No other ‘neath the sun. You’re one, one in a million! And the reasons you’re special are a million in one. Just one in a million, but you’re a million in one!

Without Melissa, this Christmas miracle would not have been possible. Without all of her hard work, vision, dedication, and creativity, the show would not have gone on. It was her inspiration, her brain child. She found or created the absolute perfect role for each of our students’ abilities and personalities and corralled and coached over 100 of our special needs kids through the entire Christmas show. Melissa was truly our miracle worker!

Just as everyone is special and unique in their own way, so everyone helped make this musical a night to remember from our students to our staff to our family and even community. Thank you NHA and Northwest Ohio for making our students feel like stars (and FLAKES)!

If you missed this special Christmas show, check out all of the musical pictures on the New Horizons Academy’s Facebook page.