NHA Classroom Toy Drive

NHA Classroom Toy Drive

We’re asked all the time for simple ways that families can help support our students and their classrooms.

One such option that is often overlooked, yet incredibly important, is the need for sensory toys that can be used to support the interventions and therapies being provided.

Every child benefits from having toys to play with. Toys help a child develop motor skills, creativity, social skills and other things they will need for growth and development. But for a child with autism or other special needs, toys play an even more vital role. Sensory toys help children with special needs gain a measure of control over their environment. Sensory toys for autism development are important because they help the child to learn problem-solving skills, something that many children with autism struggle to do. What may look like simple play with sensory toys for children with special needs is actually the process of education in action.

Having the right kind of sensory toys for autism education is very important to the development of the children in the classroom. Millions of children are affected by some kind of special need or disability that affects their ability to learn in a conventional way. Because of that, NHA incorporates various sensory related toys into our classrooms for special needs students.

We are holding a classroom toy drive to help collect toys so our kids can play! You can help make Christmas a little merrier for our kids and their classrooms.

Thank you so much for making a difference at our school.

Merry Christmas!

Students and Teachers at New Horizons Academy

Backpacks of Hope

Backpacks of Hope

Backpacks of Hope began in March of 2014. This program was started in order to help the families of students attending New Horizons Academy at Sara’s Garden.  All of the students who attend New Horizons Academy have a special learning need. A majority of our students have varying degrees of Autism and the others have more of a physical disability, such as Cerebral Palsy or Traumatic Brain Injury.

If you know anyone with a child with special needs, you understand that they are often short on money partly due to the many appointments with Doctors and other specialists.  The purpose of Backpacks of Hope is to help the families of students who attend New Horizons Academy by giving them food for 1 meal per week.  Families are given the opportunity every week to fill out a slip to indicate they need help with food for that week. Between August 2015 and May 2016, Backpacks of Hope distributed over 200 backpacks of food to 20 different families.

In May of 2015, we began to realize that these families were also struggling to buy school supplies. In August of 2015, Backpacks of Hope added school supplies to the donation list and began distributing these items to children in need.

Backpacks of Hope has been blessed by numerous families in the community who have donated non-perishable foods and school supplies over the past few years. On the back side of this letter is a list of non-perishable food items and school supplies that we could use for our children and their families at New Horizons Academy at Sara’s Garden. We are asking you to prayerfully consider helping by donating items from this list. If you feel God nudging you to help, there is a box under the mail boxes in the lobby for donations or donated items can be dropped off at Sara’s Garden

If you have never heard of Sara’s Garden or New Horizons Academy, we would be happy to speak with you about the many services we offer.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give!

Valerie Nafziger
[email protected]
Backpacks of Hope coordinator
Client Services Director at Sara’s Garden

“They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’  “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me,’  Matthew 25:44-45 NIV

School Supplies
  • #2 pencils (Ticonderoga brand)
  • Big size pencils
  • Highlighters
  • Markers
  • Colored Pencils
  • Pencil sharpeners
  • Pencil Cap Erasers
  • Dry Erase Markers
  • Kleenex
  • All sizes of zip-lock baggies
  • Glue Sticks
  • Bottles of Glue (Elmer’s)
  • Crayons
  • Rulers
  • 2” – three ring binders
  • 1 ½” – three ring binders
  • Pencil bags for three ring binders
  • Tabbed subject dividers for three ring binders
  • 3×5 ruled index cards
  • 3×5 un-ruled index cards
  • White out tapes (not liquid)
  • Large metal index card rings
  • Large pink or white erasers
  • Pencil Box
  • Zippered Trapper Keepers
  • Pocket folders with prongs
  • Composition Notebooks
  • Earbuds or Headphones
  • Construction Paper
  • Colored Tissue Paper
  • Scissors
  • Rolls of Paper Towel
  • Boy and Girl Backpacks
Non-Perishable Food Items
  • **Canned Fruit
  • **Canned Vegetables
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly
  • Macaroni and Cheese
  • Spaghettios
  • Pancake mix (just add water)
  • Canned Tuna
  • Tuna Helper
  • Pudding Cups
  • Jello Cups
  • Ramen Noodles
  • **Canned Beef
  • **Canned Chicken
  • **Spaghetti
  • **Spaghetti Sauce
  • Instant Oatmeal
  • Rice Sides packets
  • Pasta Sides packets
  • Baked Beans
  • Crackers
  • Noodles and Pasta
  • Banquet Homestyle Bakes (complete meal kit)
  • Betty Crocker Helper Complete Meals
  • Any other non-perishable food items

**Backpacks of Hope has the greatest need for these items.

NHA is Hiring Special Education Teachers/Intervention Specialists

NHA is Hiring Special Education Teachers/Intervention Specialists

In order to meet the growing demand for student enrollment, we are currently hiring for full-time Special Education Teachers/Intervention Specialists at New Horizons Academy, a private school for children with special needs in Wauseon, OH.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Provide instruction and learning experiences, which contribute to the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective development of each student.
  • Experience writing IEPs, doing academic evaluations, modifying curriculum, working with an instructional and support team and conferencing with parents.
  • Strong interpersonal, collaborative, and communication skills.
  • Strong instructional skills.
  • Attend IEP meetings on each student.
  • Comply with Quality Assurance practices.
  • Design each student’s academic program and behavior goals in accordance with the overall educational plan.
  • The candidate will be aware that his or her own physical and verbal behavior impacts the client population either positively or negatively and will act accordingly.
  • The candidate will maintain professional relationships with all other personnel.
  • The candidate will follow the written policies and procedures.
  • Experience implementing educational programming for special needs students.
  • Knowledge in the field of special education and Ohio IEP procedures.


  • Bachelors Degree with emphasis in Special Education or Elementary Education.
  • Teachers / Intervention Specialists with a focus on working with Autistic children is preferred.
  • ABA certification and/or training is encouraged.
  • Licensed as a Teacher and/or Intervention Specialist as defined by the Ohio Department of Education.
  • State of Ohio Licensure required.
  • Believe in every student
  • Achieve results
  • Take personal responsibility
  • Collaborate
  • Share a commitment to creating a great school environment
  • Strong organizational and problem solving skills
  • Demonstrated record of setting high expectations for students with special needs

Contact Information

New Horizons Academy Expansion Update

New Horizons Academy Expansion Update

It’s overwhelming and humbling to consider the growth and success that we’ve experienced at New Horizons Academy at Sara’s Garden over the past two years. It’s so hard to believe that we are getting ready to begin the school’s 3rd year of operation.

As we mentioned in last month’s newsletter, we’ve received an overwhelming demand for enrollment in the school. We currently have 62 students from 16 different school districts across Northwest Ohio enrolled for the 2014/15 school year. To be able to continue to provide the students with small, intimate classroom settings where they can develop and excel, it became clear that we needed more space.

By the time that financing was secured through State Bank, we had only 4 months to complete a 9,200 square foot expansion project to add more classrooms, sensory rooms and Conductive Education intervention space.

We feel so fortunate to have such an amazing team of contractors working on this project for us. They know the importance of this space and what it means to the kids that we serve. They have been tirelessly working around the clock to ensure that the building is completed and ready to use by the start of school in August. We can’t begin to thank them enough for all of their hard work and dedication.

We feel so honored and privileged to have the opportunity to work with and serve such an amazing group of kids and can’t wait to see what the next school year has in store.

Matt Rychener CEO / Executive Director

NHA Expansion in Progress

NHA Expansion in Progress

If you have driven by the Hope Center at New Horizons Academy, you probably have noticed the activity at the east end of the building. The students, staff, administration and board of directors are excited to announce that we’ve broken ground on a new addition.

New Horizons Academy was started during the fall of 2012 with 2 students attending. This grew to 6 students during the second semester for the 2012-13 school year. At the beginning of this school year, the attendance of New Horizons Academy had grown to 27 students. For second semester, an additional 13 students enrolled bringing the total enrollment for the 2013-14 school year to 40 students. For the 2014-15 school year, there are presently 52 students registered.

We have always felt that the Hope Center could accommodate 30 students, thus we have moved 10 of our current older students into the new addition of the hyperbaric center. As you can see, we have outgrown our present facility quickly. Thus, in January, the board of directors had extensive discussions about the future of New Horizons Academy. A decision had to be made. The choices were to add onto the Hope Center or reduce enrollment by telling some families their children could not return for the 2014-15 school year.

After much prayer and reflection it became obvious that God was directing us to meet the needs of the children. The decision of the board of directors was unanimous that we, by faith, begin the process to secure a large loan to double the size of the Hope Center. This entire process has been completed. Our expectations are that by the time the new school year begins, we will have 9 more classrooms, a second, larger sensory room, and a specially designed Conductive Education room. The facility will have special lighting along with rooms that have walls designed to absorb sound. This will help all of our students that have sensory disorders.

We would like to thank the parents of our students for giving us the opportunity to work with their children. We also would like to thank the community for their continued support of Sara’s Garden and New Horizons Academy. Most importantly, we would like to thank God for his continued blessings and provision.

NHA Students Enjoy Academic & Social Growth

NHA Students Enjoy Academic & Social Growth

As we approach the end of the first semester at New Horizons Academy at Sara’s Garden, we continue to be amazed by the academic and social growth of children, who in the world’s poor perception were not able to succeed or develop into independent learners.

Many of the students have met and exceeded the academic IEP (Individual Educational Plan) and/or behavioral goals, which had been set prior to attending New Horizons Academy. As we contemplate how and why these academic and behavioral improvements have occurred, we think about what is important to children as they grow into independent adults.

  • It is important for children to be truly loved and to feel safe in their environment. Because of the small classroom population, the intervention specialists at NHA are able to provide that special learning climate which creates a culture of safety and caring. Students who need those unique minutes for special hugs or words of encouragement find them in these settings. The small group settings also provide time and attention for effective problem solving in positive and stress-free surroundings.
  • All children desire success. Once children have experienced success, they strive to experience it again. Success builds upon success, which once again builds a positive learning climate. Many of those who now attend NHA had previously not experienced success. Success is now prevalent and an exciting daily occurrence.
  • Children not only want to be safe, loved and successful but also need to give to others who they are and what they have. To assist the children in accomplishing these goals of giving, the staff at New Horizons Academy has developed several special programs, which enhance the values of giving and caring and also create opportunities to express and demonstrate such values.
    • The students at New Horizons helped to prepare a Thanksgiving feast. Academic goals were incorporated into the preparation of this meal. In other words, academic and hands-on experiences took place during this event. It was exciting to observe students encouraging each other while working together to complete this project. The most excitement transpired in witnessing the older children serving the meal to the younger students. The thankfulness from the smaller children, who would not have been able to accomplish this meal alone, to the older children was truly rewarding.
    • During the Christmas season, the staff established a motivational reward system, which included the collection of reward points or coins for successes within each classroom. The children chose other students to whom they would give gifts purchased with their reward points or coins. The reward points and coins were used by the students to purchase donated gifts which were then given to “Adriel Foster Children.” Another class mixed, cut-out, baked and frosted cookies which were donated to “Heartland Rehabilitation Center.” These same students then caroled their way through Sara’s Garden Hyperbaric Center, cheerfully entertaining the grateful clients.

All of these projects, not only served academic purposes but, helped to develop an environment of caring, sharing and success which all children need to eventually become independent learners.

In approaching the next semester, NHA is excited to welcome eleven new students and three additional teachers. This increases our enrollment to thirty-six (36) full-time students and three (3) part-time students. The fifth through ninth graders will be attending classes in the new addition to the hyperbaric facility due to expanding growth in enrollment. The Board of Directors and NHA administration will continue to operate with the same philosophy that has supported the electrifying academic and social growth of our students kindled in the first semester.

As always, do not hesitate to make contact should questions or concerns arise.

NHA is a Special Place

NHA is a Special Place

Just four amazing weeks into this school year, it has become apparent that New Horizons Academy at Sara’s Garden is a special place where children can create positive relationships and engage in a fantastic learning experience.

Friendships are essential for children. One of the many positive aspects of New Horizons Academy is the opportunity for the students to develop new relationships within our unique educational setting.

Following are just a few of the conversations and observations from the past month, most of which could have only happened with the true and compassionate relationships formed with peers and educational professionals:

  • One mother commented that her daughter now voices excitement about going to school. The mother expressed her joy in finally having her daughter back!
  • One family, including extended family members, stated how expressive and open the child has become. He smiles now and is eager to discuss the activities of his school day. It is exciting to see a fifth grade student accelerating his math skills to accomplish eighth grade math problems. Since coming to NHA, he has also found the ability to enjoy writing where previously he found writing contemptuous.
  • Another student who had struggled with interpersonal communications now openly initiates conversation with peers and staff.
  • A student who was previously unable to control his anxiety, resulting in his inability to independently enter the school, has now become comfortable in entering the building with excitement.
  • One parent noted that she never thought that her child could learn as much as he has in just four weeks. She admitted to teaching down to him at home because she had been told he was not capable of learning.
  • One child, who had been absent for a few weeks following surgery, returned to class with a loud expression of welcome from a child who has difficulty expressing herself audibly… ”We missed you!”

These are just a few of the moving comments and situations that we’ve had the joy of experiencing at New Horizons Academy. We anticipate many more thrilling stories to share with you regarding the lives that are being changed, the students that are being educated and the independence that is being created!

NHA Now Enrolling for 2013/14 School Year

NHA Now Enrolling for 2013/14 School Year

New Horizons Academy at Sara’s Garden is presently accepting applications for new student enrollments for the 2013-2014 school year. Parents are encouraged to apply as early as possible as openings are limited.

New Horizons Academy enrolls children age 3 and up with problems that interfere with satisfactory functioning and progress in regular classroom programs or at home. This may include but is not limited to:

  • Attention Deficit Disorders
  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Developmental delays
  • Physical disabilities
  • Vision/hearing impaired
  • Seizure disorders
  • Speech & language disorders
  • Autism/PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorders)

New Horizons Academy is a registered provider of the Autism and Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarships and provides IEP-based services in accordance with the guidelines of the Ohio Department of Education. Families may enroll their children via these scholarships or through a partnership agreement with the student’s home school district.

For more information on New Horizons Academy, its eligibility guidelines and enrollment process, please contact Matt via e-mail or phone at 419.335.7272 ext. 201.

To learn more about New Horizons Academy at Sara’s Garden, its curriculum, educational plan and philosophy, please visit our website at http://www.NewHorizonsAcademy.org.

One size does not fit all. Parents deserve to choose the learning environment that suits their child’s unique educational needs. Fortunately, Ohio is one of the few states to offer such opportunities to its families.

New Horizons Academy at Sara’s Garden

New Horizons Academy at Sara’s Garden

New Horizons Academy at Sara’s Garden offers a holistic, all-encompassing educational path for children who have special learning needs and are preschool through grade twelve. Our mission is to provide the highest quality of educational programming available and empower children with disabilities to recognize and optimize their full potential.

New Horizons does not solely focus on any one area of development; rather, each developmental domain (social, emotional, communicative, physical, and cognitive) is developed simultaneously throughout the school day. Great importance is placed on setting high goals and expectations and providing students with the appropriate assistance required for them to achieve their individual goals. Providing an academic curriculum that is challenging is of utmost importance, while simultaneously discovering and exploring the ways our students are best able to access that curriculum.

At New Horizons, Conductive Education methodology is utilized for students who have neuromotor disabilities such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and traumatic brain injury. Use of this educational system ensures that our students are able to learn to be as independent as possible. Sensory integration is used for children who are on the autism spectrum and for any other children who would benefit from it. This assists them in their learning process and provides them with tools and strategies as they are learning to be as independent as possible.

Please visit the website at New Horizons Academy to learn more about about this exciting new educational endeavour.