At Sara’s Garden, we ensure that serving families is at the heart of everything we do. We strive to provide independence… freedom from drugs… freedom of mobility… freedom to live life to its fullest! However, despite all of the success we have had in changing lives here at Sara’s Garden, families are still in need of assistance. In the United States, HBOT and CE are not recognized as being therapeutic or covered by insurance for many of the conditions that we have success in treating.
Insurance companies will pay for your drug prescriptions… for you to have an invasive surgery… for your wheelchair… for just about anything that will keep you disabled and further dependent on the system to provide for your well being. Families come to Sara’s Garden because they are tired of hearing that there is no hope for their loved ones. They want more for them than what they have been told is possible.
Below is a list of families that are currently in need of financial support in order to afford treatment for their loved ones. Click on a name to get to know the families that need your help and then donate to the ones that touch your heart.