Giving Tuesday NWO 2019

Giving Tuesday NWO 2019

Mark your calendars for #GivingTuesdayNWO!

#GivingTuesdayNWO Offers You a Chance to Give Back to the Community, Show Your Thankfulness for Everything You Have & Share a Portion of What You Have with Those in Need.

Event Date:Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Event Location:Sauder Village – Founder’s Hall
22611 State Route 2
Archbold, OH 43502
Event Time:5:00 p.m.

Last year, the gifts received from #GivingTuesdayNWO helped us to fund and expand our playground project to include both a fully accessible, indoor playground in Wauseon and a multi-sensory, accessible playground at our new school campus in Springfield Township—Holland. Our special needs kids love to play, and they use play as a way to develop their gross motor and problem-solving skills. Play is also a great way to practice their social skills and build healthy relationships. The gifts and donations from last year’s #GivingTuesdayNWO have helped us to cover most of the cost of Wauseon’s indoor playground equipment, but we still need your help and support to cover the cost of the playground’s soft, rubberized surface to protect our children from falls and injuries and to begin developing Springfield’s multi-sensory playground, which will target autistic students dealing with sensory issues. Before we begin playground construction, we need to finish our fundraising efforts.

Please consider supporting our playground efforts this holiday season! With matching funds available through #GivingTuesdayNWO, this is a great opportunity to support our special needs kids AND get the most from your generous donation. Through your caring and support, we hope to continue to make a difference in the lives of our special needs children and their families.

Celebrate Giving Tuesday with:

  • The Difference Makers Expo and appetizers.
  • Dinner and panel discussions from local nonprofits.
  • Giving opportunities to support causes important to you.

No gift is too small to help inspire change in Northwest Ohio!

For more information on #GivingTuesdayNWO or to register for the event, log onto

2019 NHA Christmas Program

2019 NHA Christmas Program

“Get ready to shiver, shimmy and shake! The North wind is starting to blow and temperatures are dropping to 10 below… zero, that is! A big blizzard is on the way as a cool bunch of jazzy, finger-snappin’ snowflakes take center stage. What a glistening sight. Uh Oh! Here comes the snowplow!”

The 2019 NHA Christmas program will be taking place on Tuesday, December 10th at 6pm. It will again be held Pettisville Missionary Church in Pettisville, Ohio with overflow parking available at nearby Pettisville school. It will feature students from New Horizons Academy and will include the musical Flakes! as the main event of the evening.

Join the fun as the Flakes and Snirts help the Littlest Snowflake see how no two flakes are alike and we are all special in our own way.

Artwork shown here is by some of our talented students!

Welcome Christmas (An Event for Families)

Welcome Christmas (An Event for Families)

Tired of feeling stressed, rushed, and joyless at Christmas? Then “Welcome Christmas” is for you. A time to slow down, relax, and focus on what truly matters during Advent and at Christmas. Families from St. John Lutheran Church, south of Archbold, will be hosting this event at our facilities.

Event Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Event Time: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Event Location: The Hope Center at Sara’s Garden, Wauseon, Ohio
Event Cost: $0 ~ FREE

The evening includes supper and a fun family project to help you “Welcome Christmas” during Advent and Christmas caroling! Families will be creating 20 simple ornaments to put on small Christmas tree (provided) every day between the event and Christmas day to count down to Christmas and learn about its true meaning!

To help us prepare how much food is needed, please preregister by Friday, November 8 by completing the registration form below. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Rychener ([email protected]) at 419.335.7272 or Jennifer Grime ([email protected]) at 419.267.5266.

2019 Drive Fore Hope Reminder

2019 Drive Fore Hope Reminder

Don’t forget! The 2019 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble is right around the corner. Do you have your team signed up yet? We have put together a fun-filled day at Ironwood Golf Course in Wauseon, Ohio and hope to see you there!

Event Date: Friday, May 24, 2019
Event Location: Ironwood Golf Course, Wauseon, Ohio
Event Format: 4-Player Team Scramble
Event Cost: $75 per Player ($300 per Team)

All proceeds from this event will be used towards the purchase of therapy equipment for our clients and students at Sara’s Garden and New Horizons Academy. Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States to offer Autism Intervention, Conductive Education, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration and Speech-Language Pathology services.

Registration Includes:

  • Scramble format (4-player teams)
  • Green and cart fees
  • Range balls
  • Goodie bag
  • Contests and prizes
  • Awards for top teams
  • Lunch Buffet
Schedule of Events
7:00 a.m.
Range Open
8:00 a.m.
Shotgun Scramble
1:00 p.m.
Lunch Buffet
2:00 p.m.

Partnership Opportunities

Platinum Title Partner – $1,500

  • Includes one foursome, event promotion, platinum title partner signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 15 hours of HBOT treatments or up to 43 hours of intervention services.

Gold Event Partner – $900

  • Includes one foursome, gold event partner activity signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 9 hours of HBOT treatments or up to 25 hours of intervention services.

Silver Contest Partner – $500

  • Includes one foursome, silver contest partner signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 5 hours of HBOT treatments or up to 14 hours of intervention services.

Bronze Meal Partner – $350

  • Includes bronze meal partner signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 3.5 hours of HBOT treatments or up to 10 hours of intervention services.

O2 Tee Partner – $100

  • Includes O2 tee partner signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 1 hour of HBOT treatments or up to 3 hours of intervention services.

For additional information regarding partnership opportunities or team registration for the Sara’s Garden “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble please contact Tara at 419.335.SARA or via email at [email protected].

Please join us for a great day of golf filled with fun, great food, auction items, skill contests and fabulous prizes. Take a day off work for a great cause and meet some of the amazing people you are golfing to help!

Designer Purse Reverse 2019 Reminder

Designer Purse Reverse 2019 Reminder

Ladies, don’t forget… Designer Purse Reverse is fast approaching! Get your tickets before they’re gone. This event is sure to be a fun-filled Girl’s Night Out with all your friends.

This is your chance to win beautiful handbags from the designers you love: Coach, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Ralph Lauren and Dooney & Bourke. Over 30 amazing designer handbags are available to win throughout the night!

We have a great night planned again this year… more purses, more games, more surprises, more chances to win and more fun!

Event Date: Thursday, June 13, 2019
Event Location: Founder’s Hall at Sauder Village, Archbold, Ohio
Event Time: Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Event begins at 6:30 p.m.
Event Cost: $40 – Individual ticket
$320 – Reserved table of 8
  • Two (2) drink tickets good for water, lemonade and/or soft drinks
  • Beer, wine and mixed drinks
  • Appetizers and snacks
  • Raffles and door prizes
  • 50/50 drawings
  • Wine pull

Sponsorship Opportunities

Title Sponsor – $1,000

  • Includes event sponsor signage and program recognition.
  • Includes one (1) reserved table for eight (8) attendees.
  • A chance at an exclusive purse for table members only.

Event Sponsor – $500

  • Includes event sponsor signage and program recognition.
  • Includes one (1) reserved table for eight (8) attendees.

Purse Sponsor – $250

  • Includes purse sponsor signage and program recognition.

Beverage Sponsor – $100

  • Includes beverage sponsor signage and program recognition.

All proceeds from this event will be used towards the purchase of therapy equipment for our clients and students at Sara’s Garden and New Horizons Academy. Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States to offer Autism Intervention, Conductive Education, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration and Speech-Language Pathology services.

For more information regarding event sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jackie at 419.335.SARA or via email at [email protected].

Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States to offer Autism Intervention, Conductive Education, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration and Speech-Language Pathology services.

QuarterMania 2019

QuarterMania 2019

Clear space on your calendar! QuarterMania 2019 is just around the corner.

On Thursday, July 18, Sara’s Garden will be hosting its fifth annual QuarterMania FUNdraiser. Proceeds from this full-filled event will benefit our school for children with special needs, New Horizons Academy. New Horizons Academy at Sara’s Garden provides innovative educational, intervention and therapy services to over 100 children from over 20 school districts across Northwest Ohio. There will be many area vendors to shop from. The event will feature auctions, raffles, and 50/50 drawings.

Event Date: Thursday, July 18
Event Location: The Hope Center at Sara’s Garden, Wauseon, Ohio
Event Time: Doors open at 5:00, Auction starts at 6:30
Paddles: $3 each or two for $5

What is a QuarterMania?

If you are like us when we first heard of this, you are probably wondering, “What in the world is a QuarterMania event?”

A QuarterMania is a cross between an auction and a raffle where people ‘bid’ to win a product/prize of goods donated from local businesses and various home businesses participating in the event. Bids on these new items range from 1 to 4 quarters. There are usually between 40 and 60 items to auction during a QuarterMania.

When you arrive

When you arrive at the event, you will register and pick out a paddle (or several) with a number on each that is used for your individual bidding on the items you want to try to win. Paddles are $3 each or two for $5. All proceeds from paddle sales are donated directly to Sara’s Garden. 50/50 tickets are also available at this time.

How the auction works

The auctioneer begins by holding up a product and telling a little bit about the highlights and then tells everyone how much the item is going for – between 1 and 4 quarters. If you would like to bid on that item, you put the corresponding number of quarters in the collection pot then hold up your paddle(s) and wait for your number to be called.

Once all the bids are in – the auctioneer randomly selects a number. If your lucky paddle number is called and you have placed a bid , you WIN that item! Now, if you didn’t bid – you just say “no bid” and the auctioneer will re-shuffle the numbers and continue calling a number until someone who has placed a bid and is holding their paddle up wins.

It’s that simple, and it’s a load of fun!

That’s not all!

In addition to the biddings, there are 50/50 tickets and other raffle drawings going on throughout the evening. Tickets for raffle items will be $1 each or six for $5. Also, the participating businesses have a lots of specials as well as cash & carry items at their tables. Please stop by and support these individuals as these events would not be possible without them.

Food, desserts, and beverages will be available for a free will donation.

So… if you are ready for a fun-filled evening for a GREAT CAUSE, grab your QUARTERS and SOME FRIENDS and be there!

For more information on this event either as a participant or as a vendor, please visit the Facebook event page or contact Tina Whalen via email or phone at (419) 345-5302.

2019 SPECIALized Summer Sports Program

2019 SPECIALized Summer Sports Program

Every child has the right to enjoy the fun of playing sports, the joy of teamwork, the achievement of hitting a ball, making a goal, or crossing the finish line. Whether part of a team sport or enjoying an athletic activity geared for individuals, all children can benefit from the camaraderie, self-esteem, sense of belonging and accomplishment that comes from playing sports. This includes children with special needs.

Last year, we partnered with the Defiance Area YMCA to develop a sports-based summer programs for kids ages 9-18 called: SPECIALized Sports ~ Fun for all disABILITIES. This summer, the weekly sports schedule will be as follows:

  • Kickball: Wednesday, June 5th
  • Basketball: Wednesday, June 12th
  • T-Ball: Wednesday, June 19th
  • Soccer: Wednesday, June 26th
Click HERE to download a copy of the registration form and waiver.

The kids (and volunteers) had a great time last summer learning, practicing and playing the various sports each week. Click on the videos below to watch highlights from last year’s SPECIALized Summer Sports Program.

Play Video
Play Video
Ultimate Frisbee
Play Video
Play Video

Many times, low self-esteem and a lack of confidence can plague children with disabilities. These week-long sports camps will utilize games such as basketball, soccer, and baseball to help enhance and strengthen their self-confidence, gross motor skills, social and communication abilities, as well as improve their emotional health and well-being. Being part of a team can help kids bond and develop friendships outside of sports.

Gross Motor Skills The ability to perform controlled movements that require large muscles is known as gross motor skills. Movements that involve using the large muscles include walking, running, crawling or jumping. Often, children with special needs lack the ability to perform physical movements properly. When disabled children participate in regular physical activity, it enhances their motor skills by increasing their strength, coordination, flexibility and balance.

Communicating and Socializing Disabled children frequently miss out on social activities, impeding their ability to better their communication skills. Participation in extracurricular activities can overcome this obstacle, providing them with the ability to engage in social interactions, develop friendships and initiate social skills.

Self-Esteem and Academics Children who suffer with disabilities often struggle with a lack of self-esteem. They frequently will compare themselves with their able-bodied peers, giving them a decreased sense of self-worth. Recreational participation promotes their self-concept, self-esteem and self-worth, as well as their body awareness. Many children will also show improvements in their academics. The confidence that is gained from the ability to attain success in sports will make them feel like they are capable of achieving almost anything.

Emotional Benefits There are some major issues that many disabled youth will at some point experience. Having disabled children take part in a recreational activity can aid in preventing different emotional conditions, including negative behaviors, depression, trouble adjusting to certain situations, stress and anxiety. Providing them with a certain amount of activity can assist their bodies and help them to function optimally.

We are very excited about what these summer sports programs have to offer and can’t wait to start. You won’t want to miss it!

Blizzard Bingo 2019

Blizzard Bingo 2019

Let’s face it… winters in Ohio can be pretty cold and dreary. You may be feeling the chill of winter again this year, but we’re giving you a reason to feel warm!

Come enjoy a toasty, fun-filled afternoon with your family and friends at the 2019 BLIZZARD BINGO to benefit Sara’s Garden. You’ll have a great time playing BINGO for prizes packages and gift cards.

This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY event and open to ALL ages!
Event Date: Sunday, February 10, 2019
Event Location: St. Caspar Parish Life Center 1205 North Shoop Avenue Wauseon, OH 43567
Event Time: Doors open at 1:00 p.m.  Event begins at 2:00 p.m.
Event Cost: $20 – Individual ticket  
$160 – Reserved table of 8

Each admission ticket includes: One (1) pack of twenty (20) cards for each round of BINGO and one (1) drink ticket good for coffee, hot chocolate or water.

  • One (1) pack of twenty (20) cards for each round of BINGO*
  • One (1) drink ticket**
  • Coffee, hot chocolate and water
  • Cookies and treats
  • Raffles and door prizes
  • 50/50 drawings

*Want to increase your odds of winning? Additional packs of BINGO cards can be purchased: One (1) pack for $5.00 or Five (5) packs for $20.00.
**Choose between coffee, hot chocolate or water. A cash bar will be available for additional beverage purchases.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Title Sponsor – $1,000

  • Includes event sponsor signage and program recognition.
  • Includes one (1) reserved table for eight (8) attendees.

Event Sponsor – $500

  • Includes event sponsor signage and program recognition.

Prize Sponsor – $250

  • Includes prize sponsor signage and program recognition.

Beverage Sponsor – $100

  • Includes beverage sponsor signage and program recognition.

All proceeds from this event from this event are being used for the indoor playground project at Sara’s Garden and New Horizons Academy.

For more information regarding event tickets or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jackie at 419.335.SARA or via email at [email protected].

Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States to offer Autism Intervention, Conductive Education, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration and Speech-Language Pathology services.

Designer Purse Reverse 2019

Designer Purse Reverse 2019

Back by popular demand… Designer Purse Reverse is sure to be a fun-filled Girl’s Night Out with all your friends.

This is your chance to win beautiful handbags from the designers you love: Coach, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Ralph Lauren and Dooney & Bourke. Over 30 amazing designer handbags are available to win throughout the night!

We have a great night planned again this year… more purses, more games, more surprises, more chances to win and more fun!

Event Date:Thursday, June 13, 2019
Event Location:Founder’s Hall at Sauder Village, Archbold, Ohio
Event Time:Doors open at 5:00 p.m.  Event begins at 6:30 p.m.
Event Cost:$40 – Individual ticket  
 $320 – Reserved table of 8
  • Two (2) drink tickets good for water, lemonade and/or soft drinks
  • Beer, wine and mixed drinks
  • Appetizers and snacks
  • Raffles and door prizes
  • 50/50 drawings
  • Wine pull

Sponsorship Opportunities

Title Sponsor – $1,000

  • Includes event sponsor signage and program recognition.
  • Includes one (1) reserved table for eight (8) attendees.
  • A chance at an exclusive purse for table members only.

Event Sponsor – $500

  • Includes event sponsor signage and program recognition.
  • Includes one (1) reserved table for eight (8) attendees.

Purse Sponsor – $250

  • Includes purse sponsor signage and program recognition.

Beverage Sponsor – $100

  • Includes beverage sponsor signage and program recognition.

All proceeds from this event will be used towards the purchase of therapy equipment for our clients and students at Sara’s Garden and New Horizons Academy. Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States to offer Autism Intervention, Conductive Education, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration and Speech-Language Pathology services.

For more information regarding event sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jackie at 419.335.SARA or via email at [email protected].

Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States to offer Autism Intervention, Conductive Education, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration and Speech-Language Pathology services.

2019 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble

2019 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble

Sara’s Garden would like to invite you to participate in the 2019 “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble. Be sure to save the date! We have put together a fun-filled day at Ironwood Golf Course in Wauseon, Ohio and hope to see you there!

Event Date:Friday, May 24, 2019
Event Location:Ironwood Golf Course, Wauseon, Ohio
Event Format:4-Player Team Scramble
Event Cost:$75 per Player ($300 per Team)

All proceeds from this event will be used towards the purchase of therapy equipment for our clients and students at Sara’s Garden and New Horizons Academy. Sara’s Garden is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only facility in the United States to offer Autism Intervention, Conductive Education, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration and Speech-Language Pathology services.

Registration Includes:

  • Scramble format (4-player teams)
  • Green and cart fees
  • Range balls
  • Goodie bag
  • Contests and prizes
  • Awards for top teams
  • Lunch Buffet
Schedule of Events
7:00 a.m.
Range Open
8:00 a.m.
Shotgun Scramble
1:00 p.m.
Lunch Buffet
2:00 p.m.

Partnership Opportunities

Platinum Title Partner – $1,500

  • Includes one foursome, event promotion, platinum title partner signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 15 hours of HBOT treatments or up to 43 hours of intervention services.

Gold Event Partner – $900

  • Includes one foursome, gold event partner activity signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 9 hours of HBOT treatments or up to 25 hours of intervention services.

Silver Contest Partner – $500

  • Includes one foursome, silver contest partner signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 5 hours of HBOT treatments or up to 14 hours of intervention services.

Bronze Meal Partner – $350

  • Includes bronze meal partner signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 3.5 hours of HBOT treatments or up to 10 hours of intervention services.

O2 Tee Partner – $100

  • Includes O2 tee partner signage and program recognition.
  • This level of sponsorship will provide 1 hour of HBOT treatments or up to 3 hours of intervention services.

For additional information regarding partnership opportunities or team registration for the Sara’s Garden “Drive Fore Hope” Charity Golf Scramble please contact Tara at 419.335.SARA or via email at [email protected].

Please join us for a great day of golf filled with fun, great food, auction items, skill contests and fabulous prizes. Take a day off work for a great cause and meet some of the amazing people you are golfing to help!